Part 2

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I want to skip right to the uninhabited island arc so we are going to start right when Koji and Nanase finish their fight and Ichika appears.

  Koji POV

   I reached out my hand to Nanase offering it to help her up. Once we had cleared up the lies that Tsukishiro had told her she chose to ally herself with me. "Ayanokoji-senpai, look out!". I turned around and saw Amasawa a couple feet away from us holding what looked to be a wooden bat. "Hey senpai~, hey Nanase-chan, how's it been?" she said with a devilish grin plastered on her face.

    I had multiple different encounters with Amasawa since I cooked for her back during the first special exam. Sometimes she would come back to me for more food, and other times she simply would come to talk. It had been long since I had confirmed she was a white room student and learned that she was originally working against me. Back when Hosen and Nanase plotted against me, the only way I would've been able to deduce what they were planning and stop them, was because of clues that Amasawa left for me.

   In short you could say that I've grown closer with her since then, and although I don't fully trust her, she has been a great help up until now. I looked on at Amasawa as she slowly approached us. Nanase stood in between us, acting as a shield for me from Amasawa. "stay back senpai, she's dangerous.". "dangerous? who? me? I can't be dangerous, I'm way to cute~."

   "Don't trust a word she says Ayanokoji-senpai.", "Nanase, it's fine let her pass". "but Ayanokoji-senpai she has a weapon!". "If she had wanted to attack us she wouldn't have put her self in your field of vision. Further more in these current weather conditions she could've easily hid her presence and attacked while I had my guard down.". "but-, "Nanase"  I stared at her with my eyes displaying the slightest bit of intimidation. Nanase looked skeptical, but moved to the side nonetheless.

  Amasawa smiled at me with her usual devilish grin as she threw the wooden bat away. She approached me without a care in the world.I've grown to trust her more and look at her as an ally than just a tool. "Amasawa, what do you need?",  "I just wanted to talk to you Ayanokoji-senpai~".  "about?", she hid her mouth from Nanase and mouthed the words, 'white room' to me.

  Nanase looked annoyed at Amasawa basically telling her that she wasn't welcome in the conversation anymore. "Nanase, could you give us some space to discuss for a few minutes". "Fine, but only because you asked Ayanokoji-senpai". she glared at Amasawa as she walked past her and mouthed the words, "you better not do anything" to her before walking a few meters away from us.

  Amasawa closed the gap between us and hugged me. She then started rubbing her cheek against me. This had been a recurring theme when it came to our meetings. She would see me, hug me, and then we would begin the conversation. I sighed at her almost childish behavior. I patted her back, but then she winced in pain.

  I stopped and looked at her. Her face was hidden from my view, so I grabbed her shoulders, pulling her off of me in the process. It was difficult to tell if there were tears or not because of the rain, but her face was contorted into a look of pain. "Amasawa, what's wrong?", "ah, nothing senpai, I just fell on my back earlier that's all". she said while trying to muster up a smile.

  It looked extremely awkward when the rest of her face was in pain. "Amasawa don't lie to me". I said while slightly glaring down at her. she chuckled, "I'm not senpa- "pull up your shirt". "huh", "pull up your shirt" I demanded, "Senpai~, that's a little naughty~, doing it out here where everyone can see us." she said this while her eye brows were furrowed in a slightly nervous way.

  "Amasawa", I said with authority. She frowned and slowly lifted up her shirt up until her chest. I saw welts and bruises that were obviously meant to be some kind of punishment. From the looks of it, it was no doubt someone who is at Tsukishiro's level. "Turn around" I ordered. When she turned around I saw even more bruises all directed to hurt her as much as possible. I slowly touched one with my hand and she winced.

Ayanokoji x Amasawa Book 1Where stories live. Discover now