Part 3

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Koji POV

  "ugh, what happened?". Kiryuuin woke up after 10 minutes of being knocked out. I had decided to try and rest up against a tree. She turned to me, "Oh what's up Koji, did we win?".

"We won yes, and Koji?". "Yea, I decided since you're my kouhai, that I should give you a nickname.". I nodded, unsure if I liked it or not. "So, why were those guys tryna capture you?". "It's difficult to explain. Let's just say I have a complicated family."

  It was a trashy excuse, but Kiryuuin seemed content with just leaving it at that. "Well, if you're alright then I have to go."

"Oh? you have a date or something?" she said while smirking at me.

  "nah, I just got some business I need to attend to." She nodded still with the smirk on her face. "I would recommend you rest up for a little bit until you continue with the exam.".

"Got it, thanks.", she closed her eyes and put her hands behind her head on the tree. I walked away and pulled out the GPS tracker I took from Shiba. I was looking for a few students. First I checked where Horikita and Ibuki were. They were right next to eachother. Next I checked for Nanase and Amasawa. I could see Nanase, but Amasawa was no where to be found.

  It was more likely that she simply destroyed her GPS watch, but on the chance that wasn't the case... I began sprinting trying to search the island as quick as I could. I called Sakayanagi on the walkie talkie she gave me, and asked her to ask her allies if they had seen Amasawa as of recent.

  She told me she would check back in if she found out anything. I kept running through the forest trying to find her. She had to be close to I2 if she was meant to stop anyone from interfering. Sakayanagi confirmed that no one had seen Amasawa. I didn't expect her to be anywhere on the bottom half, but I still wanted to check.

  After running for 5 minutes I found Horikita and Ibuki seemingly knocked out in a secluded part of the forest. They were battered. It looked like they had just fought someone. I shook Horikita awake and asked her if she had seen Amasawa. "Ayanokoji-kun, what- what are you doing here?".

"Horikita do you know where Amasawa is?".  "no, but she did run in that direction". She pointed in the opposite direction of I2. I thanked her and quickly ran off in the direction she pointed in. It didn't take long for me to find Amasawa. It seems she had collapsed while running in the middle of the forest.

She looked pretty heavily injured. I assumed that she was the one that fought Horikita and Ibuki. She did it while still injured from Shiba's brutal punishment. I picked her up bridal style and carefully set her down next to a tree. I checked her pulse and thankfully she was still alive.

I watched as she slept. She looked so peaceful compared to when she was awake. I'd even go as far to describe her as... cute. That reminds me actually. I think it's time for me to break up with Kei. In the end I wasn't able to understand what love is, I never felt anything during our entire relationship. I thought that I could learn how to love from her, but it seems that she wasn't able to bring it out of me.

I wonder... will I ever be able to learn what it feels like to love... "ugh, man do I have a headache". I looked over at Amasawa as she woke up. "Hm, Ayanokoji-senpai? Were you watching me sleep? you creep~". she said while giving me a tired grin.

I sighed. Maybe it was better when she was asleep. She stood up, but her legs began to shake and she fell. I managed to catch her before she hit the ground. "What happened? I questioned her. "heh, I guess my fight with Horikita-senpai and Ibuki-senpai *cough* took more of a toll on me than I *cough* thought. I don't have any strength left in my body." Her voice was weaker and she seemed to have a sore throat. Likely from dehydration.

Ayanokoji x Amasawa Book 1Where stories live. Discover now