Kiyotaka vs Takuya

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Third Person POV

Ayanokoji is in class looking out the window as Kei is still being comforted by the girls of the class. They were glaring at him every so often except for Satou. Rather than feel bad for Kei, she saw this as an opportunity to get with Ayanokoji.

Kei was her friend, but that didn't mean she couldn't try and get with her ex. right? Little did Ayanokoji know that there was a darkness growing in Kei. A deep unbridled anger the would soon manifest it self.

A certain first year was going to pay, and another first year was going to help her get revenge.

As soon as class ended Kei rushed out and began to run through the halls. Ayanokoji didn't even bat an eye.

Yagami POV

I hate him. I hate him. I HATE HIM. I repeated those words in my head as I walked down the hall with a smile and an innocent look on my face. I just want to destroy him, tear him apart and prove that I am better than him.

I was to busy with my internal thoughts to realize that someone was running in my direction. They slammed into me and they fell on the floor. I looked down and it was Kei Karuizawa. She was crying and without apologizing she ran past me.

This was interesting. I heard from Kushida-senpai that she was dating Ayanokoji. If my guess was right as to why she is crying, then I could use her to expel Ayanokoji.

I followed after her and found her outside of the school in a little hidden spot crying next to a wall. I put on my worried face and walked over to her. "Excuse me, are you alright?" I asked with a concerned voice.

"Do I look alright!" She semi yelled at me. I sat down next to her and said, "I'm sorry. I was just concerned that's all. Did something happen?"

She looked at me with tears still rolling down her cheeks. "Wh-Who even are you? And why d-do you care?".

I gave her a gentle smile and said, "Well my names Takuya Yagami, I'm a first year. And I just don't like seeing other people sad, especially when it's one of my senpai's."

She looked at me, then tucked in her legs, and placed her head on her knees. " My b-boyfriend broke up w-with me."

"Oh. Who is this boyfriend of yours?". "Ayanokoji Kiotaka".

"Ayanokoji-senpai! But, why did he break up with you?", I said with fake shock.

"I- I don't really know. He told me he never loved me, but that can't be real, it just can't, you know.". She turned her head and looked at me.

"There's no way what we had was a lie. It was real, I know it was." Her face suddenly grew dark. Anger took over her face as she spoke with venom in her voice, "It's all that Bitch Amasawa's fault. If she hadn't come into his life, then he would still love me."

Amasawa? I wasn't aware that she had been in contact with him. "What do you mean, came into his life?".

"He started seeing her. They would talk to each other, she would come to his room, they would hang out every so often outside of school, and he cooked for her." Room visits? Cooking? Hanging out? How did I not notice?

  Then I realized. She must've planned their hangouts, making sure that I was busy or doing something, so I wouldn't see them. That explains why she was late to our meetings. I just never thought about it much, but now that I think back to her excuses... they were a bit suspicious.

"And how did that make you feel?" I questioned her. " I felt sad for a little while, but now I all I feel is anger. Anger for Amasawa and Anger for Kiotaka."

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