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I was starring at the board as the teacher spoke. It was my fifth period and none of Jamie's friends or himself was in this period so I was alone and awkwardly sitting in between some boys named Brian and Darren. All I could think about was how nice Matt and Alex are to hang with, they remind me of my friends back in London which made me feel happy at first. 

The bell rings. 

I was interrupted with my thoughts when the loud bell blares through the speakers indicating it was now lunch. I look around the room, there was no one that I knew so far. I was lucky enough to even have two classes with Matt and one with Alex. None with Jamie which kinda sucked. 

I grab my bag and exit the classroom and followed the students heading into the cafeteria. The cafeteria was very big and filled with students sitting everywhere eating their meals. Lovely. I looked around trying to find Jamie or maybe even Matt and Alex but I was lost. I looked over at the lunch line which was very long but I didn't feel like spending my money on school food. 

"Y/N-" A voice spoke behind me.

I turned around and looked up at the scrawny boy. "Oh Alex! Thank goodness, I was sorta lost for a good minute." I chuckle. 

"Ah yeah.. I could tell" He says giving a small smile. "Oh right, let's go meet the others?" 


I follow Alex who was a foot ahead of me as he leads me outside over to a bench under a tree where I see Jamie and Matt with another boy. 

Jamie stands up right as he sees me with a wide grin. "Y/N! How ya likin school?"

"It's been alright I suppose." I shrug.

"Is anything wrong?" Alex asks. 

"Mm nah, just.. not used to a new environment ya know?" 

"Yeah I get that, You'll fit in here pretty soon so don't worry much about it." Matt speaks up.

"Yeah, we think you're pretty cool." Alex softly smiles. 

"Y/N meet Andy!" Jamie says patting the boy next to him. 

"Ah nice to meet you Andy, I'm Y/N." I smile extending my hand towards Andy.

"Nice to meet you too Y/N." Andy smiles giving me a firm handshake. 

I sit down next to Andy as I bring out my lunch which was a water and a sandwich. Everyone began eating and chatting as I focused on my lunch. 


"Hm?" I look over to the voice on my right.

"Can I.." He hesitates and looks away for a moment. "Can I ask you a question..?"

I raise a brow, "Yeah of course." 

"It's a bit silly to ask but.. have you ever been in a relationship?" Alex says a little flustered. 

"Oi mate you tryna hit on me lil cousin?" Jamie snickers.

"No no....ah... I just like this one girl and I need help..." Alex gulps.

I look at Alex as I slightly tilt my head.. "Well, what's her name?" 

"Um.. Johanna." 

I stay silent for a minute.. where have I heard that name before?

"He's been crushing on her so hard." Matt chuckles.

Alex gives him a stare before he turns back to me. "So do you might have any advice?"

"Have you at least spoken to her? Your situation might be easier to help if you two are already friends." 

"Uh yes, since year 7 but we aren't close friends or anything..' 

"Doesn't mean you can't be, listen I'll help you out but you must return the favour." 

"Ah okay," He softly smiles, "what's the favour?" 

"I'll get back to you on that." I smile.

He smiles and nods as he looks away and we continue to eat our lunch. From the corner of my eye I see Jamie snicker causing me to roll my eyes. But I really feel like school won't be bad over here and I'm already helping my friends out. 

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