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I head back down to the party, making sure I don't slip on the stairs as my vision slightly becomes blurry. I look up as I see the front door open and see a guy with a burgundy crewneck walk in, aka Alex.

"Oh hey Y/N!" Alex smiles.

Oh, how all that alcohol was gettin' to me.

"Alex!" I stumble on the last step funnily enough as I stop paying attention to myself.

He swiftly catches me in his arms, " Oh my, erm, how much how you had... uh..?"

"You think I count?" I giggle as I remove myself from out of his arms.

He moves closer to me, "Hey, let's go sit down and eat sum, I'm starving really." He gently says into my ear over the loud music.

"Oh Alright." I nod as he walks us over to the kitchen. 

We head over to a table filled with bowls of snacks. I grab a handful of crisps and place them onto a paper plate.

Alex does the same and we go sit on an empty settee next to each other.

"So you enjoyin' the party?" Alex asks.

I stuff a few crisps into my mouth and chew before speaking. "Yeah, I won at beer pong earlier." 

"Oh hey!" He smiles widely, "Who'd you play against?"

"Brian from English!"

"Oh," His smile weakens. "Well, good thing you beat him! Hope his ego lowered down."

When Alex said it, he said it in an off-tone that I decided to ignore.

I shake my head. "Nope. After I teased him for losin' he argued it was an unfair game and called for a rematch."

"Sounds like him." Alex scoffs.

"Yeah he was all like, 'Oo baby I am winnin' this sweetheart, blah blah!'" I mock Brian's voice, "And then I was like 'Don' talk so big babe' and just because he talked so big, I won!" I cheer.

"Or he just really sucks at beer pong." Alex snickers.

"Oh, he really sucks at beer pong." I giggle.

"Sounds like you had fun," Alex smiles, "and sounds like you flirted with Brian a lot." 

"It's all fun and play." I shrug taking another swig of my beer as I eat a few more crisps. Alex eats his crisps and looks around.

"Soooooo...." I smirk.

"Soooooo...?" Alex mocks.

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