Chapter 3.

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  As you slowly drift off to sleep,a vision of Eddie pops in your head. It wasn't the type of dream you were expecting to have. It was a dream of you and him doing more than just making out. You quickly woke up in a deep sweat. You then said to yourself "What the fuck was that? Did I just have a sex dream about Eddie? What is wrong with me?" All these questions keep lingering in your mind. Now you are gonna feel embarrassed to be around Eddie now,knowing the interesting dream you had of him.

   No one has to know about the dream. You are keeping that to yourself. Its not like the dream is ever gonna happen. Because you both agreed to being "Just Friends." Even though you know that you want to be more than that. You looked over at your clock,it 2:30 in the morning. You decided to close your eyes,and hope no dirty dream pops up. Lucky for you,the dream you did have,was a very sweet one.

   You were suddenly awakened by Mike running into your room,shouting "Wake up,it is 7:30. I have to be in school in 30 minutes." You jumped out of bed,got dressed,brushed your hair and ran downstairs. Nancy and Mike were in the kitchen searching for something eat. Mike grabbed a pop tart and Nancy grabbed an apple. The three of you left the house and went to the school. When you pulled up to the school,you saw Eddie standing by his van. You saw how he was staring at you. You can tell that he has feelings for you. But you go ahead and deny them the other day. You noticed a blonde hair girl walk up to him. She was wearing a cheerleading uniform. Mike knew what you were looking at and he said "That's Chrissy. Eddie was supposed to break up with her so he can be with you. But since you told him that you just wanted to be friends,he went back with Chrissy." You felt terrible and heart broken. You really did like Eddie. But his heart belongs to someone else and that hurts.

   Mike and Nancy got out of the car. Nancy sticks her head through the open window "It's okay,sis. There is other men out there that would love to be with you. You are smart,beautiful and undeniably talented. So you will find someone,I promise." She waves to you and heads into the school. You look to your left and saw that Eddie and Chrissy were making out. This hurt you even worse. You drove off with tears in your eyes. He was in love,but not in love with you.

    You get home and went to your room and started to cry. Your heart was broken. Because you ruined the chance to be with someone like Eddie. 2 hours have gone by,it was now 11. You were home by yourself,because your parents were at work. You made you something to eat and sat down on the couch and put on a movie. You were interrupted by a knock at your door. You looked at the time and it was 15 minutes after 12. So you open the door and to your surprise,it was Eddie. You stared at him and then shut the door in his face. He just kept knocking.

  "Go away Eddie,I ddon't want to see you,EVER! Now please leave me alone." The knocking has stopped. So you figured that he had left. But you thought wrong. The knocking started back up again. You finally got off the couch and opened the door. Eddie pushes himself inside the house. You stare at him and say "Excuse you. Don't just barg into my house like that." Eddie takes your hand,but you quickly snatched it away from his grip. He knew you were pissed off. He walks over to the couch and sits down. You just keep standing,pacing back and forth in the living room. "Why are you here Eddie? Shouldn't you be locking lips with Chrissy. I bet she is wondering where you are right now." You say with an attitude. Eddie satres at you blankly. Then he finally realized that you saw him and Chrissy making out. He gets up off the couch and walks over to you. You keep backing away from him. You put your hand out in front of you and placed it on Eddie's chest and said "Please,just leave me alone. Clearly you lied about having feelings for me. And that you massively in love with me. But...but you are in love and it isn't with me. She is meant for you. I saw the way you were looking at her. So from now on,I feel like being just friends is a bad idea. I feel like being friends isn't gonna work either. So its best if you leave and not come back here. I am gonna see if my mom or dad can bring Nancy and Mike to school from now on. And if you ever need a sub again for your campaign,please do me a favor and don'! So now it would be best if you just left. I am sorry Eddie,truly I am. But this isn't gonna work out." You walked over to the door and opened it. Eddie walks slowly out,but then stops in his tracks. He turns to you and says "I will always have feelings for you Y/n. I was gonna break up with Chrissy,to be with you. But you don't feel the same..."

   You cut Eddie off by saying "Shut up Eddie. Just shut up! For one,I...I do feel the same way as you. I have been quiet for the past for the past few days. I have feelings for you as well. But clearly your heart belongs to someone else. And that is not with me. Chrissy is your every..." Eddie cuts you off,by placing his lips on yours. He puts his hand behind your neck and made the kiss more intimate.  You felt electricity bolt through your body. The tingly sensation on your lips,made you feel some type of way. You smile into the kiss. You both pulled away from the kiss. Eddie takes his hand and brushes a strand of your hair behind your ear. And smiles at you. Before he walks away,he looks back at you and says "My heart does belong to someone else and that is you. Always remember that I will always be here whenever you need a friend to talk to." He smiles at you while he gets into his van. You smile back at him. You wave to him as he pulls out of the driveway.

    You go back inside and plop down on the couch. You smile from ear to ear. You finally told him how you felt. And you don't regret it one bit. And when he told you that his heart belongs to you,made you fall in love with him even more. You and Eddie both want to be more than just friends. But you were starting off slow. Maybe one day,he will realize that you two were made for one another.

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