Chapter 19.🔞

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     It has been 5 weeks since you and Eddie made up. He has been helping you out a lot. You made an appearance at Hawkins High's graduation. Eddie was finally graduating. '86 is totally his year. You were super proud of him.

  After graduation,you went looking for Eddie who was waiting for you outside. But you were stopped by Chrissy. You haven't seen her in months. You forgot that her ass graduated, too. She comes up to you and says "Oh,look who it is? It's miss priss,who thought it would be okay to steal Eddie away from me." You look at her and say,"What do you want, Chrissy? And for your info,I didn't steal him from you. It'sjust,you're not his type. He needed,what do you call it,oh that's it,he needed an upgrade. So now what the fuck do you want?" She just stares at you and says,"I want Eddie back,you boyfriend stealer. And to be honest with you,he down graded." You felt totally offended by her response about Eddie. So you took the jacket you were wearing off and showed her your baby bump and said, "I don't think that's gonna happen,sweetheart. Because I am pregnant with his child. So I think it's best if you turn your little snotty ass around and walk away."

  You felt two arms wrap around your waist. It was Eddie! He was giving Chrissy dagger eyes. "Is everything okay, sweetheart?" Eddie had asked. You turned around,wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed his lips right in front of Chrissy and said "This bitch has the damn nerve to come up to me and call me a boyfriend stealer and said that she wants you back. She also said that you downgraded. " Eddie busts out laughing. He looks at Chrissy and said "Ha,me get back with you. You have got to be fucking crazy. I would never,ever get back with you. And for your information, Chrissy. I totally upgraded.  Y/n is way hotter than you are. So walk away now,before I say something that will hurt your damn feelings." Before Chrissy walked away she looks at you and says "You are gonna be a terrible mother. I already feel bad for it. And Eddie you will regret ever breaking up with me." She walks away. You looked at Eddie and slumped into his arms. You busted out in tears. Eddie wraps his arms around you and says "Darling,don't let that psycho bitch get to you,okay. You are going to be an amazing mother to Naomi. She is gonna love you,like I love you. So don't let her words get to you. Okay! So lets just go home and celebrate,how's that sound?" You smile up at Eddie who places a kiss on your lips. You nodded your head and said "Can we stop at the store and get some ice cream? I am craving for mint chocolate chip and cookie dough." Eddie smiles and says " Alright,anything for my queen and princess." He gets down on his knees and places a kiss on your belly.

   After the store,you guys went back home. You were about to get a bowl of ice cream. But Eddie takes the bowl and spoon away from you and says "Nope,you need to sit down my queen. I will get you a bowl." He places a kiss on your lips. As soon as you turn around to walk to the living room,Eddie slaps your ass. You look back at him and he gives a cute,sexy smirk. You sit down on the couch and put on a movie that was on tv.  Eddie walks into the living room with two bowls of ice cream. He hands you your bowl. You lift your legs up so Eddie can sit down. Once he sat down,you placed your legs across his. You had finished your bowl of ice cream and cuddled up closer to Eddie. You took your hand and palmed his dick. He looks at you and says, "So you are horny I see?"   

  You smile and nod your head. Eddie gets off the couch and picks you up. You looked at him and said, "Baby,I am heavy. How are you able to pick my pregnant ass up?" Eddie looked into your eyes and said,"You are not heavy. Even though you are carrying my child. And it adds a few pounds to you. Now, let's get you in the bedroom." Eddie brings you to his bedroom and lays you gently on the bed. You smile up at him. He slowly takes your pants and panties off. And then he takes off your shirt and bra. Now you are lying naked on the bed. He stands back and admires your naked,pregnant body. "Damn baby girl,you are fucking gorgeous. You look stunning with a baby bump." He lowers himself closer to you. He places kisses along your neck,down to your collarbone,between the valley of your breasts. He gives your bump a few tiny kisses and then says, "I am sorry ahead of time, princess. But I am gonna be making mommy squirm. So what I am about to do is how you were created."

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