Chapter 12.

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   "You are not working Y/n. You just had a miscarriage a month ago!" Eddie argues with you. "But Eddie,I need a damn job. I can't just be coped up inside and not do anything. I know I just overcame a miscarriage,I understand that. But I need to have money in my pocket." You argued back. Eddie walks up to you and says "I don't want you to put too much stress on yourself sweetheart. The miscarriage did a number on you. So you need a little more than a month to recooperate. I will work,until you are able to." "Well I am able to work now,Eddie. I don't want you to be the only one bringing in the money. " You say to him.

   You turn around and walked out of the trailer. You were about to get in your car when Eddie stopped you. "Where do you think you are going sweetheart?" You looked at Eddie and said "Eddie,I need a damn break. Ever since the miscarriage our relationship hasn't been the same. So I am going to be staying with my parents for a while. Or until you realize that it is my damn life and if I wanna work,I am going to work. If you and I want to try and have another baby in 2 months,we need all the money we can get." Eddie looks at you and says "You know what,I don't think we need a break Y/n." You stare at Eddie with tears in your eyes "What do you mean by that Eddie?" Eddie looks down at the ground and stays silent for a bit. "ANSWER ME GODDAMN IT!" you screamed at him. He looks back up at you and says "How about we just break up. I feel like that is the best thing for us right now. And...and trying for another baby,isn't gonna happen anytime soon. So leave Y/n!"

   You look into Eddie's eyes,shook your head and said "Have a nice life Eddie. Hope you find someone that is well worth your needs." You got into your car,slammed the door and banged your hands on the steering wheel. Tears fall down your face. Eddie is just standing there,watching. You start your car and left. You didn't once look back. Eddie fucked up. He lost what was good to him.


"What the fuck did I just do? I fucked up big time. We broke up just because I don't want her to work. I was just trying to protect her. Maybe I was a little rough on her."

  Eddie walks back into his trailer with his head hung low. Wayne noticed that he looked upset. "Where's Y/n at?" Eddie looks at Wayne and said "I broke up with her. All because she wanted to go to work." Wayne stares at Eddie and said "You don't want her to work.Why?" "Because she is still overcoming a miscarriage. I don't want to put her through that much pressure on her."

   Eddie sits down on the couch,with his head between the palms of his hands. Wayne sits down next to him and says "Son,if she wants to work to support the both of you,so let her. She is a grown woman who is independent and loves be out there in the world. Not be coped up inside her house or our trailer. She does have a life besides you Eddie. And just so you know,that girl loves the shit out of you. Her and I had a decent conversation while you were at school. She told me that she writes poetry about you and her. She said that she hopes that one day she can read them to you. And get your opinion. But since you done and broke up with her over something completely stupid,you will never get the chance to read those poems. You screwed up son. And I have a feeling,she might not come back to you. She has gone through a lot within a month. And you go a break up with her and stress her even more than she already did."

  Wayne was right. You are independent and love to do things. He feels completely terrible for breaking up with you. He wants you back,but he has a feeling that you won't take him because of the nasty things he said to you.

   Eddie goes to his room and lays down on his bed. He puts his hand under the pillow,he felt something. He lifted the pillow up and saw an envelope that read "Babies First Photos." He opens the envelope and finds the first ultrasounds of the twins. Their first and last photos. He started crying. He felt his heart rip out of his chest. He realized that you had stared at these photos every night after finding out you guys were having twins. He held onto the ultrasounds and put them up against his chest and started crying. He screwed up. He just watched you leave,crying and upset. He has to go and apologize to you. He doesn't know how good an apologize will be. But he is sure gonna try and get you back.

Eddie Munson & Y/N Wheeler Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now