Chapter 11.🥺

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    You are currently 3 months pregnant with the twins. You were cleaning up the kitchen after Eddie and you had dinner. While you were doing the dishes,you felt excruciating pain in you lower abdomen. You leaned over the counter and screamed Eddie's name. He comes running into the kitchen looking worried. He comes up behind you while you were leaning over the counter and starts rubbing your back "Baby girl,what is the matter? Please talk to me!"

    You slowly stood up and faced him,once you did that you felt more pain in the same area. You started to cry. Eddie tries to walk you over to the living room,but the pain was so unbearable that you couldn't walk. That's when something caught Eddie's eyes. He looks back up at you and says "Sweetheart,I hate to say this,but are bleeding. Like a lot!" You took your hand and felt moister. It was blood. Eddie runs to the phone and dials your doctors number. Someone answered immediately. "Yes hi,my name is Eddie Munson. My girlfriend Y/n Wheeler is a patient there. She just started experiencing really bad pain in her lower abdomen and then she started bleeding." Eddie went silent for a few minutes. After that you hear him say "No,that can't be. Is there a way the doctor can see her. She is in excruciating pain right now. Okay,uhhh,yeah we will be there. Thanks so much!"

   Eddie runs up to you and says what the lady over the phone said "Its a possibility that it can be a miscarriage of one or both of the babies. I am sorry sweetheart. We have to go though,because they need to see you asap. Like right now that way they can see what's going on." Your heart sank,knowing its a possibility that you were just experiencing a miscarriage. Tears fell from your eyes. Eddie grabs your purse and keys and walks you slowly towards your car. You both got in and drove to the doctors. Once you got there,the pain started to act up again. It hurt so bad. Blood was still dripping down your leg. Eddie rushes you into the doctors,they take you in immediately. They brought you to a room and did a scan on your belly.

  The doctor goes completely silent. Eddie stares at thendoctor with tears in his eyes "Doc,please tell us what's the problem." The doctor stared at you and Eddie and said "I'm sorry you guys. But,you did experience a miscarriage. And I am very saddened to say that you didn't just lose one of the babies,you lost both. I am gonna let you guys be for a while. I am very,very sorry." Eddie looks at the doctor and says with tears in his eyes "What could have caused her to miscarry?" The doctor sat back down and said "It can be a number of things. But the most severe one is stress. Has she been under a lot of stress lately?" You nodded your head yes. Your mom is right,having so much stress in your life can put stress on the babies too. Eddie looks back at the doctor and asks "When is it okay to try again?"

  The doctor says "Wait 3 months and then try again. Well I am gonna let you guys be for a little bit. Like I said,I truly am sorry for your loss!" As soon as the doctor left,you busted out in tears. You weren't pregnant anymore. You looked at Eddie with tears falling down your face and said "I was starting to get use to being pregnant. I was even coming up with baby names for them. Shit,this is fucking hard,Eddie. I am to blame. I am the reason I am not pregnant anymore. There is no reason for you to be with me now." Eddie pulls you into a hug and says "Baby,it's okay. Don't...don't blame yourself. It's not your fault that you had a miscarriage. You didn't predict it. And of course,I still want to be with you. Just because we aren't gonna be parents anymore,doesn't mean I am just gonna up and leave you. We...we can try for another baby in a few months. Please stop being so hard on yourself."

   He was right. You smiled with tears still flowing down your face. Eddie takes his hand and wipes them away and places a kiss on your lips. You got your clothes back on and left the appointment. You drove to your parents house,in tears. Eddie has his hand on your thigh. Rubbing it with his thumb. You got to your parents house. You both walked in. Mike was sitting on the couch. He looked at you and Eddie. He noticed the looks on both of your faces. "Hey guys,what's with the sad looks?" Mike had asked. You looked at your brother and said "I don't want to talk about it right now. Eddie and I just want to be alone for a little bit." You gripped tighter to Eddie's hand and led him to your bedroom.

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