Chapter 4.

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    You went to the kitchen and sat down at the table. You were just thinking to yourself. You were in love with Eddie. But he is with Chrissy. You got lost in your train of thought when they phone rang. You answered it "Hello,this is Y/n Wheeler. How can I help you?" You hear someone on the other end say "Y/n it's Nancy. need to get here at the school asap. It''s Eddie. He is causing a damn scene in the cafeteria that you have to see. Get here quick!." You hung up the phone and grabbed the car keys. And drove to the school.

   You saw Nancy run up to you. She grabbed your hand and led you to the cafeteria. You saw Eddie on top of the table causing a ruckus. "That's right,I said it. I broke up with Chrissy because I am in love with someone else. And speaking of which,here's the princess now." He jumps down from the table and walks over to you. He puts his hands around your waist and pulls you close to him. He puts his lips on yours. You quickly pull away. You look around the cafeteria and noticed every student body was staring. Even Chrissy! Your heart melted when you saw her run out of the cafeteria. 

    You ran after her. "Chrissy,please hold up. Can you let me explain?" You said breathlessly. Chrissy stops running and turns around to face you. Chrissy stares at you and says "Save it. He broke up with me,for you. That's bullshit. I don't see what Eddie sees. All I see is a fucking bitch who stole my damn boyfriend." She looked at you with tears in her eyes. She sat down against the lockers and you sat down with her too. "Chrissy,I didn't steal Eddie away from you. I told him a few days ago that we need be just friends,nothing more. Yes he did admit that he has feelings for me,but I see how happy you are with him. I didn't mean for him to break up with you. Which he was a jerk for doing. And you are right! What does he see in me? I am not perfect in any shape or form. Look at you for instance,you are stunning. I wish I was you. Let me talk with Eddie and tell him what he did was wrong and that he needs to get back with you."

   Chrissy wipes her eyes with the sleeve of her jacket and then stares back at you "No,you don't have to talk to him,just for him to get back with me. Clearly he really likes you. You are very sweet for actually taking the time to talk to me. So if he asks you to date him,don't turn him down. Because he is a great guy and he will surely make you happy,like how he made me happy." Chrissy wraps her arms around you and gives you a hug. You give her a hug back. You both stand up. She smiles at you and says "I know you don't go to this school,but will be weird if I asked you to be my friend." You smile back at her and said "That's not weird at all. Of course we can be friends. We can hang out whenever you want." Chrissy puts her hand out and you took it in your hand. "Can we hang out tonight?" She asked. "Yeah,of course. I don't have anything planned. We can order some pizza and watch some movies." You told her. She agreed. Hugged you one last time and walked away.

   You turn around and noticed that Eddie was standing just a few feet ahead of you. You walk over to him and said "How long have you been standing there?" He smiles at you and puts his hand on your waist and says "Long enough to see you and my ex becoming best friends. Which by all means,is okay with me. I can't stop you from hanging out with people. I am happy you talked to her. Seeing her walk out of the cafeteria like that,broke my heart. What did she say to you? I am a just a little curious!" You playfully smack Eddie's arm and said "Well I told her that I would talk to you about getting back together with her. And she told me no. She said that if you asked me to be your girlfriend,not to turn you down."

  Eddie couldn't believe what he was hearing. So he asked you this question "So Y/n Wheeler,will you do me the favor of becoming my girlfriend?" You stared into his big brown eyes. And said "Yes,absolutely. " Eddie pulls you into a hug and places his lips on yours. You saw Chrissy and all she did was nod,smile and walked out of the school. Eddie noticed what you were staring at. When he saw Chrissy's reaction,he gives he smile back. He intertwines his fingers with yours and walks back to the cafeteria. Everyone was staring,but you and Eddie didn't care what they did. Eddie sits down and pulls you onto his lap. He places his hand on your thigh.

  The boys at the table stare,including Mike. You feel like he isn't okay with his sister dating his best friend. They watched as Eddie places kisses on your neck. He then takes his hand,places it under your chin and turns it to face him. He placed his lips on top of yours. You hear your brother say "Get a goddamn room you two. No PDA in the cafeteria." Eddie doesn't listen,he still kisses you long and hard. You felt something poke your ass. You look at Eddie and said "Your keys are poking my ass." Eddie gives you a devishly grin and says "Oh sweetheart,those aren't keys." The whole table made gagging noises. You start to blush. Eddie places both of his hands on your waist and adjusts you on his lap to hide the boner you apparently caused.

  You giggled and felt a little blushed at his situation. But he is a man,and they get that type of problem all the time. But you aren't gonna rush into things with him. You both are gonna wait until you are both willing to take your relationship to that level. So hopefully it will be soon. Because with his boner poking your ass,is turning you on. And there is nothing you can do about it.

   Eddie wraps his arms around you. And you lay your head on his shoulder. You loved him. Chrissy is right,he is very sweet and kind hearted. And you will never take his love for granted.

Eddie Munson & Y/N Wheeler Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now