[6] The wall of letters

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—Jungwon lead the way while heeseung is following from behind. The whole university is suspended for a week because of what happen.

The both male reach sunoo's house and jungwon open the door as he have spare keys, they went in and heeseung saw how beautiful and peaceful sunoo's house.

His furniture and designs are far away from his personality, like sunoo is a sunshine but his everything says the otherwise. Its so modern and expensive base on heeseung's judge.

And it's his first time to go in, because at that whole years of them being bestfriends and live away from their parents, heeseung insisted on going in to his house though its not like he dislike it.

"Do you wanna rest for a while hyung?" Jungwon ask, looking at him. "No, im good i.. i wanna read his letters.." jungwon hum and lead the way to the second floor.

Heeseung widen his eyes when he saw the picture of him and sunoo in a different sizes of frames hanging at hallways, his eyes starting to form a tears while he's walking slowly to see everything.

Starting from when they are kids, to teen and adult, he even saw the exact dates where the time they actually capture it and now he's regretting every single thing he did.

Jungwon from a far look at heeseung, he smile softly as he saw heeseung touching sunoo's smiling face at their picture, though the sadness is still there.

"Hyung?, this is his room.. come in if you're ready.." he said and went inside to sunoo's room leaving the door open.

Heeseung look around to the other picture frames and when his eyes landed at their candid photo, he saw a folded paper. As he grab it and open it he saw a very unique writing.

Aug 20,20xx

It's so great that i feel loved by my classmates at the very first day of school, I receive many compliments about my looks and i saw many handsome boys from my class but heeseung—

"—heeseung will always be the apple of my eye, i love him and adores him very much, it's sad to say he's not feeling the same way like i did, it's always like this, im used to it, i feel it that he only like me as a bestfriend and that's what leads me to not confess. I feel bad a while ago, i shouldn't have said it like what if he overthinks it?. I want to risk but I don't want to be hurt too.. i guess I'll just love him purely. Love kim sunoo"

Sunoo worded out as he write the end of the letter, he smiles and fold it. While fixing his stuff his doorbell rang causing him to go outside of his room while holding the letter and decide to leave it behind one of the picture frames.

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