Chapter 7

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Fix a heart

Chapter 7

"Perhaps it is only human nature to inflict suffering on anything that will endure suffering, whether by reason of its genuine humility, or indifference, or sheer helplessness." -Honoré de Balzac

Harry's POV:

"How was it?" Gemma instantly asks as I walk through the front door.

"It was fine." I mumble, heading for the hallway.

"Harry wait." Gemma calls.

Sighing, I turn back to her.

"Have you heard from them?" She asks tentatively.

"No...I haven't." I mumble.

She nods her head sadly, finally letting me escape to my room.

I shut my door, my hands now jumbling my phone between my hands. Should I call one of them?

Before I know it I had clicked on Louis' contact, my phone being held to my ear.

The ringing stops, my eyebrows raising as I don't hear anything.

"Louis?" I ask.

I hear a sigh, "What?"

I sit on the end of my bed, my fingers picking at my jeans.

"I haven't heard from you guys." I say.

"I know you haven't. It's because we've sent you back there for a reason." He says.

I frown. It's hard having one of your best friends disappointed in you.

"I went to my highschool reunion today." I tell him.

It was silent for a while, but I could tell he was still on.

"That's good." Is all he said.

It was quiet for a while longer. I lay down on my back, my free hand rested behind my head.

"Have you gone out..." He trails off.

"No I haven't gone out to any party's or anything. I haven't even had a drink if that's what your aiming at." I answer him.

"That's good. But it's only been a few days mate. Just....keep trying." He sighs.

"Are you guys seriously not going to come see me?" I ask sadly.

"I don't know...we just thought it'd be best if we stayed away for a while. So you could get better."

"Louis I'm not an alchaholic." I argue.

"It's not just that Harry! You got so caught up in everything: the fame, the party's, the attention..the hate." He trails off.

I close my eyes, scratching at my neck.

"If I tell you I'm fine you won't believe me. So what do I have to do?" I plead.

"Just stay for a month or two. I'll talk to the boys about coming to see you. Just...don't drink, try not to go on the Internet either. Find someone to...distract you. A friend." He says.

"But you guys are my friends." I retaliate.

"Another friend Harry."

I huff out a breath, "Just...I've got to go Harry. I'll see you later." Louis says, hanging up the phone.


I recline into the red booth, Blair's phone sitting on the table in front of me. I tap my fingers against the table, waiting to see a head of dark hair walk through the door.

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