Chapter 26

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Fix a heart

Chapter 26

I believe love is primarily a choice and only sometimes a feeling. If you want to feel love, choose to love and be patient. -Candice Yurben

Blairs POV:

We stood there, his words replaying over and over in my mind. Am I trying to push my feelings away? Do I have feelings for Harry?

My eyes remain peacefully closed, the sound of our heavy breathing being heard between our close bodies.


His voice made me bow my head, my forehead resting against his chest. Is this really how I want to live my life? Not being able to trust someone with my heart? Not believing that someone could love me, and actually treat me right? No, I don't. But, you can't just make yourself change. And that's how I feel. And I just need to let someone break through the tough wall that I've put around my heart all these years.

And that person is Harry.

"Do you really...have feelings for me Harry? Or is it just, attraction?" I ask softly.

I take a slow, calming breath in as I feel his finger under my chin, encouraging me to look up at him.

"I'd never had a girl make my heart race when I kiss them. I'd never smiled just at the mention of a girls name, until you. Your different, and you know that I've never been...serious with a girl. But I'm willing to give it a shot if you are. Because I really do like you Blair."

"Okay." I whisper.

"Okay...?" He trails of, wondering what I meant.

"I mean okay. That ill give it a shot. Just at, going with the flow. Not trying to block out my feelings." I say, looking up to him.

"So I can't call us a couple yet?" Harry asks, his cheeky smirk appearing that always makes me smile.

"Not yet." I laugh softly.

Sadie's POV:

"I'm sorry." I panic as I fall into Liam's side, glancing up to Blair to give her and icy look. She smiles back at me as if she's innocent, walking away wistfully.

That bitch.

"Don't worry, it's okay." Liam laughs, his chest shaking along with the action.

I reposition myself so that I sit on my bum instead of my side, Liam and I's legs touching at the close proximity.

"You like the movie?" Liam asks me.

I clear my throat as quietly as possible, looking at the screen of the movie that I had sort of lost interest in because, well, I got pushed into a hot guy.

"It's okay, a bit too scary for my liking. But I love Jeniffer Lawrence, I think she's beautiful." I tell him, my eyes fixed on the screen.

Wait, that didn't make me sound lesbian did it? Oh well.

"Well I think that you kind of look like her. But of course prettier."

I turn to Liam, giving him a shy smile in return to his smirk.


A few more minutes tick by, wondering where Blair is with her 'water'. I glance around the living room at all the boys, soon finding that there is no Harry in sight. I know that shit is going down in that kitchen.

And when the kitchen door swings open, and a guilty looking Blair meets my eyes, I'm confirmed of my previous statement.

Then lastly Harry comes out, a smirk gracing his features. Blair scurries over to the couch, plopping down next to me, my eyes not leaving her as Harry sits down beside her.

"Don't say a word." She mutters, a giddy smile being seen on her face straight after.

I shake my head with a laugh, my blonde hair falling into view before I push it away.

My enjoyment of Blair's embarrassment gets interrupted by a big boom from the movie, making my arms fly out beside me. Which resulted in, well, hitting Liam in his chest. His hard...muscled...chest.

I gasp, my heart pounding in my chest as his hand moves over the top of mine, squeezing it as an effort to comfort me. Maybe I should watch scary movies with him more often huh?


"Blair should bring you around more often."

I look down at my feet, my pink toenails wriggling in my open toed sandals, which are kind of freezing to death to be honest. Winter is not my season, but Blair loves it. And that, I don't know why.

"Yeah, she should. It's fun to hang out with you guys." I tear my eyes away from my feet to glance up at Liam.

And when I look passed him, I see Blair leaning against her torn up volts wagon, Harry standing in front of her with a smile plastered on his face.

Harrys POV:

"Won't you just think about it?" I plead.

Blair laughs, her hair falling around her face as she looks down at the ground.

"I'll talk to Sadie and see if she wants to go. Because I'm seriously not going alone with just you boys." She laughs.

That, I get. We can get kind of...annoying? Perverted? Gross? Who knows.

"It would only be for a week, two weeks at the most." I inform her.

Louis had told me and the boys that his mum and fiancé are going out of town for a few weeks to go to France, and that their beach house is open for use. And he wants to go.

"I'll think about it." She smiles.

"Okay." I smile back.

She stands on her tiptoes to plant a kiss to the corner of my mouth teasingly, turning to get back into her car before I yank her back into me, causing her to squeal.

I hold onto her forearms, Blair once again standing on her tip toes as I lean down, laying a soft kiss onto her pink lips. She giggles onto my lips as I tickle at her sides, making her go flat onto her feet as she struggles in my grip. I continue to tickle her, her laughs getting louder and cuter.

"Rape, rape!" She yells along with her strings of laughter.

"Rape!!" She squeals, causing Sadie and the other boys to look our way.

She smacks at my chest, pushing herself off of me and stumbling into the side of her car.

"I don't like to be tickled." She crosses her eyebrows at me, a small smile breaking through.

"I can tell."

Authors note: hey baby's! How did you like Sadie's point of view? And oh, who ships 'Lidie'? (Liam and Sadie's ship name) (;

I hope you guys enjoyed it! Comment and vote!

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