Chapter 30

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Fix a heart

Chapter 30

"Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us act, just once, with beauty and courage. Perhaps everything that frightens us is, in its deepest essence, something helpless that wants our love." -Rainer Maria Rilke

Blair's POV:

I wake up to a knock on the bedroom door, grunting into my pillow. The faint sound made me realize how bad my head hurts as it pounds.

"Blair?" I hear someone ask.

I turn my head, seeing the blonde boy standing in the doorway.

"Yeah, Niall?" I grumble, flopping over onto my back as he walks slowly into the room.

"How are you feeling?" He asks me.

"My head hurts." I complain.

He shoves his hands into his pockets, shifting back and forth on his feet.

"Is something wrong?" I ask.

He comes and sits at the edge of my bed, glancing at me momentarily.

"Do you remember what happened last night?" He asks.

I sit up, "You took me to bed, yeah why?" I ask him.

"Do you remember the kiss?" He asks.

My eyes widen, the images flooding back into my mind.

"Niall I-"

"I know it didn't mean anything Blair, don't worry." He laughs.

My shoulders relax, the last thing I want is for him to think I like him.

"But what about Harry? You like him right? Because he really likes you Blair and if your just playing around with him then-"

"Oh my gosh Harry!" I grunt, my head falling onto my knees.

"Niall please don't tell him." I plead, my voice being muffled into the confines of my blanket.

When I don't hear him say anything I look up to him, "Niall, please? As you said it didn't mean anything." I beg.

His gaze falls into his lap, "Yeah, okay." He sighs.

"Niall I do like Harry. I swear to you." I tell him.

"Okay, I trust you Blair. Just...don't hurt him. He's felt that enough already."

I close my eyes with a sigh when he walks out the door, completely disappointed in myself. He doesn't deserve this. All he's done so far is been completely nice to me. If he doesn't know it happened,he won't get hurt. And that's what I'm going to make sure happens.


"Wow she's awake!!" I hear Louis cheer as I descend down the stairs.

I let the smell of pancakes waft up my nose, making me feel warm inside.

"Yes, I've survived." I laugh.

My eyes scan the table to find Harry, smiling once I do. He still remains in his joggers and a tanktop, his hair a disheveled mess.

I slide into the seat beside him.

"Morning." I tell him.

"Mornin'." He answers me, sending a small smile my way.

I study his face, something seeming off about him this morning. Maybe he's just tired.

"You were hammered last night." Louis speaks up.

I turn his way, his blue eyes meeting mine from across the table.

"I don't think you were any better Louis!" I laugh aloud, remembering one point of the night where he was sprawled out on the sand, singing a song to 'himself'. Which was more like to all of us.

"Where's Sadie?" I question no one in particular.

Liam points to the couch which my best friend is sprawled across.

"She came down this morning but layed back down. She won't even get up to eat." Liam laughs.

I nod my head knowingly. Sadie takes hang overs poorly.

"I tried to get her to eat but..."

"She cussed you out and layed back down?" I ask with a laugh, finishing his sentence.

When he nods I laugh harder, "Don't take it personal, she probably didn't even know it was you." I tell him.

He laughs with a shrug as he takes a bite of his pancakes, making my mouth water and my empty stomach grumble with hunger.

I grab a plate from the center of the table, setting two pancakes onto the flat surface before drowning them in syrup.

"Harry your oddly quiet this morning." Zayn speaks up.

I turn to Harry, agreeing with Zayn. Harry shrugs his shoulder, again pulling a small, unbelievable smile.

"Just tired is all. I'm going to go take a shower." He tells us all, pushing his half eaten plate of pancakes away from himself before standing from his chair.

I watch in confusion as he walks away. Niall rounds the corner of the staircase just as Harry begins the step onto them, passing Niall without glancing at him. Gosh, why is he so grumpy this morning?


"You what?!"

"Sadie! Don't make me feel worse than I already do!" I pout.

I hear her groan, turning to her.

"It didn't mean anything! I could've sworn it was Harry who was walking me up to the room!" I defend myself.

Sadie and I walk on the boardwalk, I needed someone to spill to about this. I'm not going to talk to Niall about it of course, he already said he wouldn't say anything to Harry. And I really hope he keeps that promise because all it will do is cause problems if he finds out. It didn't mean anything at all.

"Harry doesn't know right? Or is that why he's been moody all day?" She asks me.

"No! He doesn't know! God if he did know I don't know what I'd do." I sigh.

"Niall swore he wouldnt say anything." I tell her.

Sadie lifts her strawberry smoothie up to her lips, me doing the same with mine as we walk in silence for a few minutes.

"So your sure he doesn't know?"

"I'm sure."


Harrys POV:

Last night when I layed awake in bed I tried to tell myself that there must be an explanation. That maybe they didn't mean for it to happen, that it was just a drunken mistake on both of their behalfs.

But then I realized that Niall was stable last night. He handles his alcohol better than we all do. That's why I had asked him to take Blair up to the house, because he wasn't as wasted as the rest of the boys. He had known what he was doing.

Hell, he doesn't even have a hangover.

Blair and Sadie had gone out for some time together, leaving us boys alone at the beach house. I had tried to keep my distance from Niall all day, and had tried my best at making it seem like I was okay. But the boys can tell something is up, and I think Blair might be noticing as well.

I've just been bottled up all day, wanting to scream at Niall for doing such a thing with the girl that he knows I'm quite smitten with. Maybe even more than quite. Kind of a lot.

And what makes me feel even more upset about this all; is neither of them have said a word about it. So that means they want it to remain a secret and hidden. And that means the worse.

When the door swings open I look over from my position on the couch, Sadie and Blair walking through the doors.

"You guys just sat inside all day?" Sadie laughs.

They had been gone for quite a long time, evening rolling in.

"Stuff got pretty boring." Louis laughs from beside me.

We had been watching the Spider-Man series all day long.

"Hey, Spider-Man is my absaloute favorite!" Blair exclaims.

She drops her bag by the door, scurrying over into the living room area before hopping onto the couch beside Louis.

"Is this the third?" She asks, leaning over to peer at me from around Louis.

"It's the third." I smile slightly.

Her blue eyes stare into mine for a second before she settles into the couch cushions. Does she not feel bad at all? Was what we had just some joke to her or something? Does she not trust me still? I told her I changed. I told her that she was the reason I had changed, and that she's why I wanted to change. But I guess that didn't mean anything to her did it?

I stand from my seat absentmindedly, wanting to go get some fresh air to clear my mind. I feel like the old me right now. The one that held so much anger inside and didn't let anybody help.

"Where you going?" Louis asks, Blair peeking up at me.

"Just need some air, I've got a headache." I lie to them, walking past the couch and out the front door with the feeling of their eyes burning into my back.

I sit on the porch in silence for a while until I hear the creak of the door open, groaning mentally as I see Niall approach.

"You okay?" He asks me.

"Just fine." I tell him, sounding quite rude.

"You don't sound just fine." He informs me.

"Why don't you take a wild guess Niall?" I say, twisting around to look at him over my shoulder.

"Harry-" He starts in a defending tone, the lightbulb clicking in his mind.

"Save it okay? I'm done. I should've known I'm not the type of person who can actually stick it out with a girl. Even Blair. Something always has to go wrong."

I stand from the porch, jogging off the steps before Niall can even say another word. I thought Blair was the girl that could turn things around for me. Maybe she did in the beginning, but now she's turned everything upside-down.

Authors note: oooooh snap.

That quote up there at the beginning....I fucking loved it when I found it and it is now one of my new favorites okay? Okay.


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