f o r t y - t h r e e

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bit rushed and short sorry but I wanted to get a chapter out!

I also just published my new LN4 book if you would like to have a look! The first two chapters are out.

Don't forget to vote and comment!

warning against reading if you have Emetophobia!


"Why can't you guys admit that me and Lando are just friends?" I finally gave in and asked the question, their persistent nagging over what was supposed to be a enjoyable dinner finally breaking me.

"Because it is not believable." Marcus responded, earring a round of agreement from the others.

"You admitted to me that you found him attractive." Adelina added, pointing her knife at me slightly threateningly.

"Before I knew who he was." I defended, putting my cutlery down to fully get into this conversion.

"Didn't know that would change it." Quinn commented with her bottom lip folded into her top, her hands were suspended mid air as she stared at me.

"I'm just saying. I can be friends with a guy and not like him romantically." I gave them my best fact for this moment in time, slightly nodding my head to Marcus which he was quick to pick up.

"I would never date you." The sentence could've come out in multiple different ways however Marcus decided to say it in the harshest way.

"How about we talk about something else. Like...what are we doing tomorrow?" Tessa spoke up once a slight tension built around the table, her attempts in knocking it down causing a slight crack.

"Maybe we should have a beach day, some swimming, some sandcastle competitions." Adelina expressed her perfect idea, knocking the wall completely down.

"Maybe we should invite Lando's group as well, they are really nice to spend time with." Quinn offered, another round of agreements following.

"I'll ask Lando some time tonight." I informed them, tucking back into my caesar salad, a slight sickness building up in me after that walk.

We began to walk back once it was dark but not before popping our head round a couple corners to further our sense of direction around here.

"God I love this place." Tessa commented, slightly outstretching her hands.

"It's so perfect." I agreed, throwing my head back to swallow up the last of the humidity. There is something different to holiday heat, it is always more enjoyable and that is coming from someone who hates the heat.

"My feet hurt." Quinn enlightened us to the valuable piece of information instead of simply asking us to go home. I gave her a small smile as I linked arms, practically having to drag her back to the house.

"Ratatouille is the best disney movie, followed by moana." Tessa said, her small argument with Quinn about the best movie escalating. Tess has always felt rather protective over her disney films as she would put it, never failing to win an argument about which one is the best.

"I think 101 dalmatian's is the best, or maybe even bambi although ratatouille is very good!" Quinn commented, stopping the argument with just one sentence, which surprisingly was not a rude one.

"I know right. I just can't wrap my head around how someone would come up with an idea like that. I mean a rat who can cook, you have to be on another level of smart to have that kind of thought." Tessa began her usual rant on disney movies, soon disappearing into the lounge.

"Lando has agreed to tomorrow." I told the two of them, that slight sickness I had been feeling turning into something more.

"You okay?" Adelina asked once we were in the kitchen. She placed her bag in the counter, the contents slightly clacking against each other.

"You look a bit pale, come sit." She guided me into a barstool before fetching me a bottle of water and a cold flannel.

"According to google you don't have a concussion but maybe that walk wasn't such a good idea." Marcus commented as he scrolled downwards on his phone, his eyes flicking from left to right as he read an article.

"Yeah you could've of gotten heatstroke. That would've showed itself earlier though, I think." She began brainstorming in words, her eyes refusing to leave my face.

"Oh my god!" Marcus slightly yelled as his alarmed eyes snapped upwards to look at me. Tessa came straight into the room upon hearing him, her eyes instantly assessing the scene.

"What?" She asked, slightly scared for the answer. Quinn came in after that, immediately rounding the counter to be next to me. 

"Cece had heatstroke!" He exclaimed, immediately rushing over to put the flannel on my head.

"It won't be heatstroke it will probably be heat exhaustion." Tessa's voice was even and calm as her hands lowered slightly. She walked over to me, her shorts rubbing together noisily. Everyone moved out of the way so Tess could look me over, a slight hum left her lips as she placed a hand to my forehead.

"Cold shower, lots of water and some sleep will do the trick." It seemed as though she had done her research before the trip.

"While you are in the shower, you are not to lock the door so if I hear any noise, I will come in." Adelina informed me as they all agreed in the fact I was having a cold shower. Despite not needing it, Marcus assisted me in walking me over to the closest full bathroom. A towel was already on the rail and Tessa brought  me a change of clothes, allowing me to strip out of my old ones and get into the shower as soon as possible.

After what felt like ten minutes, I managed to forget about Adelina's presence behind the door and instead enjoy the shower, the coolness of it helping my internal body heat to cool down.

"You good in there?" Lina asked a few seconds later. That gave me the reminder to get out the shower, having been in there for quite a while.

"Amazing." I responded as I dried myself off and put on the clothes, a fresh feeling soon finding its way into me.

Just as I began to exit, a final wave of nausea hit me, this time stronger than the others. My body reacted quicker than I could process. In a blink of an eye, I was in my knees vomiting with alina holding back my hair as she drew comforting circles on my back.

"What does it mean if she threw up?" She yelled out, any comfort she had managed to give me leaving with those words. Tessa was soon in with a cool flannel and yet another water bottle. They both helped me lay back against the wall so I could be more comfortable.

"Are we sure she doesn't need to go to hospital?"

"Honestly, I'm not sure."

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