f o r t y - f o u r

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don't forget to read my new book!
also sorry this chapter is so bad i am just desperate to get a new one out.


My eyes were heavy the second I managed to open them, a harsh reminder of the lack of sleep I managed to get last night.

After a long debate of whether or not I needed to go to the hospital and around 50 google searches, my friends came to the conclusion that I would actually survive and there wasn't as much need to panic. This was due to the fact 1,008 Americans die of heat exposure a year and on a whole around 3 million people die a year so the math figures itself out.

"She wasn't answering my texts so I got worried." A voice from downstairs echoed upwards to become the first thing I had heard.

"You should be. She got heat stroke!" Marcus informed whoever was downstairs. Even from far away, I could tell exactly what facial expressions and body movements he was using at that exact moment.

"That's not true. She has possible heat exhaustion." Tessa calmed by putting a heaviness on the word 'possible.'

"Her POSSIBLE heat exhaustion was a very terrifying moment." Quinn joined in, her voice momentarily getting louder.

"Is she okay?" I had now managed to identify the voice as Lando.

"I'm fine, just tired." I told him as I slowly
made my way down the stairs, watching my every step closely so I didn't trip.

"Phew. I thought I had killed you or something!" The relief was evident in his facial expressions. Lando was quick to make his way over to me and wrap me in a bear hug.

"Yeah, Jo helped us out a lot." Adelina managed to say through the obvious tiredness she was feeling.

"You called my mum?" I unwrapped myself from Lando's hug to make sure I had heard her sentence correctly and they hadn't caused mass panic across my family for no reason.

"Marcus thought it was a good idea." Quinn was quick to crack under the nonexistent pressure, her body slouching once the confession was over.

"You have to do what you have to do for brownies." Marcus held his hands up in defence, his reasoning being stupider than ever. My head snapped around in every direction, trying to find a magazine to hit Marcus with. By pure luck, Lando managed to find one and give it to me, earning a mixture of looks of betrayal and i'm going to kill you.

My whacks weren't as harsh as they sounded as the paper made contact with Marcus. I only had enough anger in me to hit him twice before I felt bad.

"What the fuck? Both of you! No, all three of you! How can I feel safe in here anymore?" Marcus exclaimed, throwing up his hands for a flair of dramaticism.

"You know that she would be on the next flight out here!" I raised my voice slightly but more in a joking way rather than mad.

"We had to talk her down, took a while." Adelina added on, earning glares from practically everyone.

"Can we still go to the beach? I want to use my good bikini." Quinn started asking the important questions.

"Forgot about that." Lando had leaned on the wall, getting a first class view of the Marcus abuse that had happened.

"Yeah, I feel great. Could do with some of my mums brownies when I get back." I gave Marcus a pointed look causing his mouth to fall agape.

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