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The door slammed shut, and Mrs. Kim and Mr. Kim let out a sigh of exasperation at their sixteen-year-old daughter, Dami. She was a complicated child, difficult to understand, and they knew they weren't the most ideal parents. They acknowledged their flaws and the reasons why Dami might hate them. However, what they couldn't comprehend was why she extended her hatred to others. What had they ever done to her? This bothered them because, as their daughter, she represented their family in front of others. But instead of making them proud, she would rather be her bold, unapologetic self, a trait they had taught her.

Dami was a unique individual who didn't conform to societal norms. She wouldn't be labeled a spoiled brat or a tomboy cringe ass shit, and she wouldn't let anyone call her a rude either, Cuz she believes; she is not one. Her calm and silent demeanor often led people to misunderstand her, but she only spoke up when provoked. And when she did, her words were loud and clear.

Well, we believe villains aren't born, they're created.

But she ain't a villain, she surely tryna become one tho, like what is fun in calling yourself the villain when you haven't even killed someone yet.

the target is ready tho I'm just take my time.

Mrs. Kim called out to Dami, "Come for dinner!" while knocking on her room door, but Dami swiftly walked away, respectfully pushing her mother aside. Mrs. Kim muttered under her breath, "Bitch." The family had a deep-seated beef with each other, and the tension was palpable.

During dinner, the silence was oppressive until Mr. Kim spoke up, "Dami, someone is coming tomorrow. Be ready... or rather, be respectful." Dami's eyes snapped open, and she glared at her father with a sarcastic expression. "And what the fuck am I gonna do with that fucker?" She was wary of who this person might be, possibly a snake-like relative or a rich, handsome mafia boss who would use her as a sex slave, a trope she had read in many fiction stories.

Mr. Kim slammed his hand on the table, "LANGUAGE, DAMI!" The dishes bounced slightly, and Dami retorted, "Oh? Language? Fuck your language, and who are you to me? My father? You think you have rights over me? I've said it before, and I'll say it again: you both are nobody to me. You're the reason I am the way I am, and you, Father, don't teach me how to be respectful or use appropriate language. At least I'm not an immoral man who fucks every woman out there while having a wife."

Dami's words were laced with venom, and she walked away, leaving her parents in an uncomfortable silence. Mr. Kim mumbled, "She's a pain, always acting like a victim." Mrs. Kim replied blankly, "She is a victim..." Her words trailed off, and she received a glare from her husband. She shrugged unbothered, "I said what I said. Dami and the other two are our victims. How about we accept it?"

Mrs. Kim's words seemed laced with guilt, but her tone and attitude didn't convey remorse. She was a beautiful woman in her 50s who looked like she was in her 30s, but her makeup couldn't hide her bitchy demeanor.

Mr. Kim spoke up, "And how about we also accept that all three of them ar a fucking disappointment? We should've used protection." He was a jealous old man who couldn't see his own children's success. He had been abusing his sons since they were born, and it was evident in the mental and physical torture they had endured.

She waved her hand dismissively, not wanting to discuss using protection since she was the one who enjoyed raw sex. "Leave them. Tell me who's coming?"

Mr. Kim responded happily, "Your other two victims... they agreed to take Dami with them for at least two years, and that's a literal win for us. We get rid of this brat for a while, and we'll get some good tea from Dami after she comes back..."

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