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Life in unpredictable, Dami sat on the dressing table in her brother's room, gazing at her reflection in the mirror. Her bright red cheeks and traumatized expression revealed her distress, a result of the shocking sight before her. She stared down at the collar wrapped around her neck, a symbol of control and manipulation. Her eyes fixed on the person responsible - Jimin, sitting unbothered on the bed, his nonchalant demeanor a stark contrast to her anguish.

She rose, holding back tears, and walked towards him, her legs trembling with each step. Refusing his gesture to sit on the bed, she sat on the floor, her eyes blazing with anger and fear. The distance between them seemed to grow, as if the air was thick with tension.

"A collar?" she asked, her voice trembling with disbelief. "Do I look like a dog?"

Jimin smirked, displaying a remote control, his finger hovering over the red button. "It's an electric collar. If I press this, you'll receive a nice electric shock - or should I say, a whole-body experience?" His words dripped with sarcasm, as if he took pleasure in her distress.

Dami's eyes widened in horror as Jimin toyed with the remote, her mind racing with the implications. She felt her tears resurfacing, pleading with him silently. "Are you crazy? You're really going to use this on me? These are used on criminals, not kids like me!" Her voice cracked, revealing the depth of her fear.

Jimin chuckled mockingly, his eyes glinting with a sinister light. "Suddenly, you're a kid? Didn't you say we shouldn't punish you like a child? So, what's wrong with this? Let's punish you like the grown-up you claim to be." His words cut deep, a verbal slap that left her reeling. She felt his anger in her bones as he stared at her like he'll rip her organs out, how come her tears didn't melt his heart?

Dami's sobs grew louder as she gazed down at her lap, her body shaking in fear. She felt vulnerable, exposed, and helpless. For the first time, Jimin wondered what she had endured. Had she been in the wrong hands all this time? Had she faced something terrible as a girl? this can't happen when he was unbothered all his life thinking she was in right hands? He knew their parents were assholes, but what he witnessed wasn't like this, they loved her. His heart clenched at the terrible thoughts, and his expression softened with worry, a glimmer of empathy piercing his usual armor of indifference.

Jimin gazed at Dami, his eyes fixed on her as she cried uncontrollably on the floor. For five long minutes, he watched her, his expression unreadable. It was as if he was observing a distraught five-year-old child, wailing in despair on the floor of a toy store, except Dami's tears weren't shed over a denied toy or a scraped knee. Her sobs were deep and anguished, born from a place of raw fear and vulnerability.

As she cried, her body shook, her small frame trembling like a leaf. Jimin noticed the difference in her tears, the way she wasn't arguing or fighting back as she usually did. Instead, she was surrendering to her emotions, allowing herself to be consumed by her fear. He wondered if she was finally breaking, if the weight of her struggles had become too much to bear.

Dami's tears weren't just about the collar around her neck; they revealed a deeper pain. The fear in her eyes wasn't just about the shock or the control, but something more profound. Jimin saw only the surface, missing the truth behind her tears. The collar was just a trigger, uncovering a wound that went far beyond his understanding.

For the first time, Jimin saw Dami, truly saw her, without the mask of defiance and anger. He saw a scared, hurt child, and it stirred something within him. His heart, once hardened against her, began to soften, ever so slightly. He felt a pang of guilt, a sense of responsibility, and a glimmer of compassion. The realization hit him like a ton of bricks: Dami wasn't just a rebellious sibling; she was a wounded soul, crying out for help.

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