Chapter 0: And Then There Were Five (1/3)

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We begin our story in the vast void of space, within the darkened corridors of a massive bronze spacecraft. Within the vessel were reptilian humanoids armed with spears, and each one either patrolled or guarded their station with a feral degree of aggression. This ship acted as a prison vessel for many "exotic" beings, however one of their guests was a bit more than they normally delt with, as a female could be heard screaming in anger and the occasional sounds of metal clashing with metal.

This particular cell was guarded by four reptilians, who spoke simply and gruffly to each other.

This particular cell was guarded by four reptilians, who spoke simply and gruffly to each other

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"Will this door hold?" One of them wondered aloud. "It must!", shouted another. "The alien will be delivered on schedule, Lord Trogaar has commanded it."

Just then, the door was assaulted by the one behind it, causing the room itself to shake. All of the guards were alert and ready for whatever was on the other side, but it appeared they were almost hesitant to engage.

"And if it breaks loose?"

"Then may Zorg help us al-"

Before he could finish, another piercing scream rang out. With renewed vigor, the glass slit of the cell door cracks, and two burning green eyes rise into view behind it. The beastly guards take a few steps back, bracing themselves for anything and everything, and they get it when one last yell rings out and the door was suddenly blown off its hinges, despite it being solid steel. As they peered in the total blackness within the cell; after a second or two, the eyes blaze up again and their owner steps out into the light.

 As they peered in the total blackness within the cell; after a second or two, the eyes blaze up again and their owner steps out into the light

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Standing before them was an orange, red haired girl, her hands restrained by a device encasing her forearms.

???: Zengtha ru maka! Kek zengtha ror!

Speaking in her native language, the girl was intent on escaping her captors via any means, even though she was out armed and outnumbered.

When she got within striking distance of the four, a distinct height mismatch became evident, giving the four a confidence boost. However, this does not stop her from swinging both forearms in a wild roundhouse and knocking one of her captors against wall.

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