chapter 12

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Few days passed, and Vansh and Ridhima were avoiding any talk to each other. Ridhima was avoiding Vansh because she felt disgust by his action. And Vansh avoiding talk because he thought that Ridhima will just ask him to leave her, which he didn’t wanted at least not in this life. He just knows that Ridhima is his wife and has to be with him. And the thought of her already having someone in her heart, whom she has already promised her life with, pierced his heart. He had no idea what to do to make her stay. And on the other hand, ignoring her and her ignoring him was also hurting him. He wanted to talk to her. Talk to solve their relationship. He was now certain that he had fallen for her, and was not even denying it.

And after the kiss he had become a teenager, whenever he remembered the kiss, he would blush and smile. And sometimes couldn’t even hide it. This would happen many times at dinner, at meetings, and would just duck down his head.

Even though the both slept on the same bed yet, they didn’t talk to each other. Only when they were with family members that too was a minimal talk.


It had been another office day. Ridhima was still working at office. Even though she didn’t wanted to. Vansh fixed a secret camera in her cabin. So that he would see her whenever wanted to. First he wanted Ridhima to come to office so that he could torture her, but now he wanted her to come office so that he could just see her in front of him. How she tucks her hair, whenever they fell on her face. How she screams just not as loud so that someone could hear it, when she feels frustrated by the work. How she lets out a breath and rest her back on the chair and starts swinging it, whenever she finishes something. Now Vansh doesn’t give her any heavy task. He knew how much she is able to do. He was now feeling guilty every time he sees her face.

He was working in his office. It was evening. It was almost time to leave. He was just about to finish checking a file, when there was a knock on the door.

“Come in.” he ordered.

The door opened, revealing Angre.

“Sir, we have a meeting.”

“Now? It is almost time to leave now?”

“Sir, you forgot you had postponed the meeting when you had busy with Sia and had told me to arrange at this time.”

“Oh yes. Yeah.” He rubbed his hand on his face, like how can he forget. He never forgets. “Yeah, I’m coming. And tell Ishani also. And yeah this will take some time send Ridhima with driver, she will be bored here.”

“Sure sir.” He nodded his head. And was about to go but halted.

“Sir, can I ask you something?” He asked hesitantly.

“Yes sure,” he said while arranging his files for the meeting.

“What are you going to do about Ragini?"

“I have thought about that. Don’t worry I will take care of her.”

And what Angre asked next made him stop his action his gaze got stuck at the files.

“A.and about this marriage now? I know you just married Ridhima just to get revenge, but she wasn’t the culprit from the start. But still she had to endure all this. And as much as I got to know her, she seems so innocent and simple girl. I’m sorry to ask this. But she didn’t deserve this. I feel guilty for whatever she had to tolerate.” He said all this in one go, like he was dying to ask Vansh about this.

Vansh didn’t look up at Angre. He rested his back on the chair and rubbed his hand on his face. And looked at Angre.

“I don’t know Angre. Right now all I know is I don’t want her leave this marriage. I just.. it is so frustrating. I just don’t want to do anything again in hurry and hurt her again.”

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