chapter 30

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From the next morning, Vansh and Ridhima weren't allowed to see or talk to each other. That night also Ridhima was to share room with Sia, and the family make sure of it. The marriage was also decided to be help after a week, so that means for a week, Vansh will not be able to see or talk Ridhima. While it was not that much for Ridhima, she was happy that she is back to Vansh and others now, she can wait for a week also now, not a big deal.

But can't be said the same about Vansh, this was pure torture for him, that even last night he wasn't able to sleep a second, he wanted her in his arms.

The household bustled with preparations for the upcoming wedding ceremony. The family members were excited and enthusiastic as they organized every detail, from selecting outfits to planning rituals and decorations. Ridhima was involved in the preparations, and her genuine smile returned as she felt the warmth of being a part of the family once again.

It was almost midnight..

Ridhima and Sia were sleeping. Suddenly there were some noise coming from the window, which caused Sia to wake up. She sat on the bed, looked at the window, the shadow of the tree near it was moving. Blinking sleep from her eyes, Sia sat up on the bed, disoriented and trying to make sense of the situation. The noise seemed to be coming from the direction of the window. The shadow of the tree outside danced on the curtains as though it were playing its own mysterious game.

Sia rubbed her eyes and then realized that she wasn't alone in the room. She nudged Ridhima, who mumbled something in her sleep before slowly waking up.

"Sia, what's going on?" Ridhima groggily whispered, her voice laced with sleep.

"I don't know," Sia replied in a hushed tone, her eyes fixed on the window. "There's some weird noise coming from there."

There was just the moonlight coming from the windows which was not that bright but enough to see figures in the room. Just then, a light thud followed by a faint groan reached their ears. Sia's eyes widened, and Ridhima's expression shifted from confusion to concern.

Ridhima whispered, "Sia, I think we should check it out." She was about to turn on the light, but Sia stopped her.

"No..No.. don't turn on the light and it could be some robber or anything. Wait....." Sia took the bed sheet and whispered, "Take this bed sheet, I will open the lock without noise, he will come in and you will trap him. Then we can beat him. And one second..." She went to the attached bathroom and came back with a wiper.

"Good idea". Ridhima whispered.

Sia carefully approached the window, her fingers gripping the lock with practiced caution. Slowly and silently, she managed to release the lock without making a sound.

The window was pushed open slightly, and the silhouette of a figure emerged. Ridhima tensed, her grip on the bed sheet tightening, ready to pounce at any moment. Sia held her breath, she silently took her eyes focused on the intruder. And then, with a light thud and a soft groan, the figure managed to enter the room. Before the person could even take a step further Ridhima jumped on him and trapped him in the wide bed sheet. The surprise on the intruder's face was evident as he struggled within the confines of the sheet.

Sia, sensing the chaos unfolding before her, didn't waste a second. Armed with the wiper she had picked up earlier, she swung into action. Her hits rained down on the bedsheet-covered figure, each strike accompanied by a muffled yelp.

The room suddenly transformed into a flurry of motion, bedsheet rustling, and the sound of wiper hitting its target. The intruder's initial groan of surprise had turned into a mixture of confusion and mild pain as Sia's strikes made contact. As the person trapped in the bed sheet continued to struggle, Sia hit so hardly on his leg that he fell on the floor.

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