chapter 29

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Ridhima and Vansh were sitting on couch besides each other, holding each other's hand. Ridhima was looking down, biting her lips. It was obvious that she was nervous. Sejal was sitting in front of them, just looking at the two love birds, waiting for some explanation.

"Well, then... You mean to say you haven't gone through with the divorce?"

Sejal's voice carried a mix of astonishment and inquiry.

Ridhima shook her head.
"And you are still married?"

"Yes, Sejal," Ridhima began, her voice steady but laced with emotion, "Vansh and I are still legally married."

Vansh looked at her with so much love. His grip on her hand never left. Sejal was a little shocked but somewhere in her heart knew this was going to happen and she was not complaining a little.

"That means you are going back to his home?"

Ridhima's smile dropped at this question. Not because she didn't like his home, she loved his family, but she was afraid to face his family now. How will she explain this to them?

"Yes, she is." Vansh answered shortly.
"Ridhima are you fine with that?" Sejal asked as she sensed her uncertainty.
Ridhima looked at her and then at Vansh who was also looking at her.

"I.... I ...I am ..afraid to face them."

Vansh sighed, he understands her. He himself doesn't know how to face them. How to explain this to them. But deep down he knows they will happily accept them. Hell, they will be happier then he himself. But the first step to face them, it is always difficult.

"You don't need to Ridhima. They will be more than happy to see you back. Trust me." They looked at each other, and Ridhima could feel the love in his eyes. She smiled at him, making him smile too. They got so lost in each other that they forgot about the girl sitting in front of them, looking at them awkwardly, like she was judging them.

"Ok...ok love birds. You can continue it is your own bedroom not here."

After Sejal's playful comment, Ridhima blushed and looked away, feeling a mix of embarrassment and amusement.

Vansh chuckled softly, giving Sejal a mock glare before turning his attention back to Ridhima. He gave her hand a reassuring squeeze.

"I won't lie, Ridhima. I am a little surprised by all of this. But more than anything, I want to make sure you're doing what's best for you. Are you sure about going back to Vansh's home?"

"Sejal, I want to give our marriage another chance. We both made mistakes, and we need to work through them. I believe that facing his family is a step we have to take."

Sejal stood up, stretching her arms.

"Alright, well, I think I've played the role of the concerned friend long enough. I'll give you two some privacy now. Just remember, my door is always open if you need to talk or if you need advice on dealing with the family drama." She winked playfully before heading towards the main door.

As Sejal left the room, Vansh turned his attention back to Ridhima. "You okay, love?"
Ridhima nodded, her nervousness starting to give way to a sense of determination. "Yes, Vansh. I'm ready to face whatever comes our way. But can you promise me one thing?"

Vansh looked at her earnestly.


She took a deep breath. "Promise me that we'll face our past, but also focus on building a better future together. I don't want us to repeat the same mistakes.

Vansh's eyes softened, and he cupped her cheek gently. "I promise, Ridhima. We'll learn from our past and work towards a future filled with love, understanding, and happiness."

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