Chapter 45: Sandwiches Taste Best with Threats

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Duke only left Mimi's side when Omen came to relieve him, having taken care of the most...pressing matters.

Outside, sitting against her door, was a gangly teenage demon wearing an ultra-sized hoodie and a garish orange and yellow beanie.

He narrowed his eyes down at him.


"They've started to clear up. The effect of her blood has waned. There's still some at the ends of the hall though."

Duke didn't even bother looking. Mimi hadn't started screaming the moment she woke up, so the kid must have been doing his job well enough.

"Demon's don't need to pee, do they?"

Honrye glanced up beneath the rim of the beanie, expression dry.

"My body has plenty of needs, not that you care. At this rate I'll be back to spirit form by tonight."

Sweet. "Gets you out of my hair."

"Except I won't be able to scare off any demons like that. I told you before, didn't I? I made a pathetic demon."

"And having a body changes that how?"

Honrye gave a fanged, one-sided smile that only served to bring out his inhumanly gray skin. "A body is power. Why do you think people came to this earth to begin with?"

Like Duke cared. Point was, his lovely, half-born dream had just died now that he realized his only current demon deterrent had needs. Ugh. That meant pee breaks and...

"Just what does a demon need?" he asked. "Fear, I know that."

"Only if I'm injured," he said churlishly, glaring down the hall rather than at Duke, for once. "Otherwise, I'm human enough. Meat. Water." He gave Duke that half-fanged-smirk he was beginning to hate. "Pee breaks."

"Can't be scaring off the ethereal if your off taking a whizz," said Duke.

"Fine. I'll just pee on your carpet."

"Then I'll get to find out if you have a dick to chop off."

Honrye thunked his head back against the wall. "Oh my hell, is there any give to you at all? You're going to scare her off if you don't tone it down. I can't even see past you."

Duke frowned. "Excuse me?"

Honrye looked at him, expectantly. Duke looked back.

Then those green eyes widened. "You don't know?"


"Your demonic aura." He gestured behind Duke. "It's thick enough to eat up any light trying to pass by you."

Duke let that sink in for an entire minute.

Then remembered he was having this conversation in front of his little girl's room and that he had a demon getting ready to pee on the floor in front of said daughter's room.

Ugh. Guess he's boxing that up and putting it away for later.

"Nearest bathroom is Mimi's," he pointed a thumb behind it. "Keep your butt down and your aim true or you won't be aiming again."

Honrye fidgeted. "But...won't she—"

"She's asleep. Under sedatives, no blood in sight. Hurry your ass up, I got things to do."

Like hell he was just going to leave while that demon was this close to Mimi.

The kid gave him one last cautious once over before pulling himself to his feet and trudging to the door. He was slow opening the door, obviously afraid of making the smallest noise.

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