Chapter Thirty Six : For Better Or For Worse

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Lynn's POV:

I stood in front of a red, wooden door, arms crossed over my chest. I huffed. My fringe, that was in a desperate need for a trim, blew out the way.

Finally, I gave, and knocked on the door. No answer. I knocked twice, and nothing. After biting my lip in angry contemplation, I banged my fist against it.

The door creaked open. Within seconds, Fred's face lifted. "Lynn-"

I shook my head, silencing him. "I just came to tell you to not leave me anymore messages."

Fred shut the door behind him, not wanting his brother or any of his other roommates to hear what was going on.

I continued. "No more book bouquets, no more apologies. And especially not. through. Y/n."

His hand ran through his mop of hair, some of the sides awkwardly sticking out. I wanted to reach out and ruffle it like I used to, but quickly forced my hands back in to my pockets.

"I know, Lynn. I'm sorry. I promised it would be the only time. But I was going crazy not doing anything. I wanted to give you your space first."

I sucked on the inside of my cheek. "Well, you gave it."

Fred's face dropped and his eyebrows comed together. A look of concern hid behind his eyes. "Lynn-"

"No." I hummed. "No."

His hand reached out a second too late, just barely grazing the skin on my hand. Because by then, I'd already turned to leave.


Y/n's POV:

My shoes squeaked against the floors so loud I winced, surely wearing down on my rubber soles. But I wasn't really affected, as I'd just saved myself from a sure concussion. One of the Slytherin boys thought it would be fun to bring a blunger back from Quidditch practice, and toss it around with some mates.

Shot by my head, it just barely missed. People stared. I couldn't have cared less. All embarrassment went out the window when I realised just how late to class I was.

Snape rounded the corner, cloak flowing behind him like a dramatic cape. My eyes widened. Dust blew behind me as I raced to the classroom. I spun around to find my seat, just narrowly avoiding knocking over a sleeping potion that would have put the entire class in a coma.

I plopped myself down right next to Lee, the sweat dripping from my forehead.

Spirits, that was close.

Snape walked in just a few seconds later. I made sure to straighten my back as he did. Lee motioned to my face, and I quickly wiped the sweat away.

"How did you make it here in time?" Lee mumbled, "I thought your practice was until half."

"A lady has her ways."

He raised a questioning brow.

Finally, I sighed. "I fake fainted to get here in time."


"I thought so."

"Lee Jordan, Y/n Y/l/n!" Snape whipped around, the fabric to his cape lifting behind him as he did. "Do I not typically expect silence from my students, or am I being mistaken?"

We each gulped. "No, professor."

"Then quiet down."

Our nods synchronised. Snape whipped back to the board, leaving us without any lost house points.

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