Chap 24 - Failure

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I don't own this song. Go and subscribe or like 'Mellow' on YouTube and Follow RHODES for their masterpiece! (^w^) Don't start the song until I say! (☆☆) And yes, this chapter consists 3k+ words, again. 



Reader's POV

As I surveyed the empty expanse of white, my heart sank. There was nothing here but the imposing figure of the Elf boss before me, now unleashing his Light magic with increasing intensity. I struggled to maintain my composure, but the strain was becoming too much. My breaths grew ragged, and my vision started to blur. I cursed myself for letting my facade crack.

"Why, princess? You seem unwell. You're hardly in a state to face me now. Allow me to help you-"

"No! What do you want from me?! What do you gain from hurting so many people, including magic knights? Why did you attack Fuegoleone?!" I shouted, clenching my fists tightly as Egan hovered anxiously at my side.

"They had it coming, after everything they've done to us. But you're different, an exception. I don't wish to harm you. Just come with me peacefully. There's no escaping anyway."

I gritted my teeth, shooting him a fierce glare. In the midst of our standoff, something caught my eye, a glimmer under his grip. My heart clenched as I recognized the familiar pendant that Fuegoleone always wore. The elf had it now.

Then suddenly, all the pieces connected in my mind like puzzle. 'Wait. . . Was this all for that gemstone?'

Narrowing my eyes, I stared coldly into his pastel yellow orbs. He seemed to sense my scrutiny as he raised the hand holding the pendant, answering the unspoken question that echoed in my mind.

"Yes, that's precisely my objective. Gathering all the magic stones, regardless of the consequences. Whether through theft or coercion, the outcome remains the same." Surprisingly, he explained his motive with a calm demeanor.

'Magic stones?' I thought, keeping a vigilant eye on his every move despite my struggle to remain upright and steady my shaking breaths. Egan appeared anxious, but he steadfastly remained by my side, ensuring I faced the threat head-on.

"Why? What's your endgame in collecting these magic stones?!"

"If you seek answers, then I suggest you join me. I'm more than willing to address your inquiries. Additionally, there's someone I'd like you to meet. Come with me." He extended his hand towards me, but I regarded him with skepticism.

"I smell a trap." Egan warned, and I nodded in agreement. "Me too."

Rejecting his offer bluntly, I launched an unexpected attack with flames clenched in my fist, striking swiftly at his gut. He grunted in pain, and I aimed for his head, ready to unleash my 'burning sphere.' However, before my strike could land, he caught my fist.

I gasped as he locked eyes with me, a hint of sorrow and remorse flickering in his pastel yellow gaze. His grip tightened briefly before he released my hand, likely due to the flames that threatened to inflict second-degree burns.

"An exit!!" Egan suddenly exclaimed, pointing towards an opening from which another individual with black and white hair emerged, accompanied by the spatial mage.

My attention snapped to the two figures and the opening, and without a second thought, I sprinted toward the exit with Egan by my side. Unfortunately, with each step, my movements slowed.

𝕸𝖞 𝕼𝖚𝖊𝖊𝖓 (Yuno x Reader) [Edited Version]Where stories live. Discover now