Chapter 7

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Anna makes me promise to call when I get back home to let her know that I am safe and everything is okay.

Just that nothing is okay.

My safe life is holding together by its last few strings and I have no idea when or why did it start to break.

In those five minutes that I spent standing there with both of them, I must have had apologized at least a hundred times. Yet nothing will ever feel like enough.

I tell them that I am willing to do any favor in the world for them.

I feel like I want to bury Leo alive.

Then I wish Anna and Theo the best night of their lives and leave the room, without looking around or back. I can almost feel Adam's gaze following me on every step, however he keeps his distance, he doesn't run for me to get me back.

In my movies, he would have ran to get me back. But maybe it's time to wake up and face the reality.

Outside I see Leo kicking rocks.

"Finally! I-" he starts to say but I cut him off immediately.

"I am leaving with the first plane back home, you are leaving whenever, just not with me." I sound almost scary and Leo has concern all over his face.

"Now if you will excuse me." I start walking past him.

"Cora, I don't understand!" he yells at me.

"This will be the fucking last time you will ever treat me and humiliate me like this. You understand?"

He is being quiet.

"That's what I thought. So you will go live with your mother or brother or honestly I don't fucking care. And when I will be ready to talk about this, we will talk about this."

"Until then I don't want to see your face ever again." I scold, feeling proud of myself and definitely much better already.

I leave him standing there, looking like he has shit himself.

When I am checking out of my hotel sooner than I had planned, the receptionist stops me when I am about to go to my cab.

"Someone left this here this morning." The old man coughs and almost chokes with his own saliva.

"I'm sure it is nothing." I feel skeptical about this old guy and about someone wanting to leave something actually important for me.

I run for the doors, to my cab, which has been waiting for me already.

"What a shame. That young boy was so handsome and well mannered. Leaving his number like this is so old school. It makes me think of my Betty." I can hear the receptionist talking to himself and I can't believe how bad this day has been for me.

Adam left me his number.

All we both knew was that we were staying at the same hotel.

And he left me his number.

Before I can do anything about it, I am already stepped into the cab and rushed into the busy traffic.

I know that it is a good thing that I will never see Adam again, however that is not how I feel deep down.

I can't believe I was stupid enough to fall for his charm in five minutes.

I have crossed paths with all kinds of men who try to be like Adam.

But Adam is exceptional.

I'm sure I could find at least his e-mail by googling him, but I am not that desperate.


It is clear that I actually made myself sound very serious to Leo, because it has been three weeks since the wedding and I haven't heard a word from him. And I respect him for respecting my choice.

I have caught myself trying to google Adam for three times already. And also considered asking Theo for his number.

But then I always stop myself to think about it. He hasn't reached out to me too. It is a two way street after all.

Surely, I am experiencing the symptoms of meeting Adam Hayes exactly the way he would want for any girl to experience them.

There were also no meaningful projects happening at the time, most of my team was enjoying their vacation. That left me with all the time in the world to think about what to do with Leo and how to get to know if Adam thinks about me too.

My phone buzzes in my jeans pocket while I am editing snippets together for possible trailer ideas in the nearest coffee shop from my apartment.

It is from Anna. She has sent me Leo's post from Instagram.

"Greece?" I let out a little too loud, earning a few stares from people around me.

Leo is posing at the beach, with a silly hat on, shorts with flowers on them, red cheeks and a beer in his hand.

@annadavis: You should have told me you guys were planning on going to vacation. How is Greece treating you? :) It's too bad you are gone, I wanted to ask for that favor that you promised. You were our last hope. x

@coralacie: i am definitely not in Greece. Leo is a dick, obviously not feeling homesick. we are taking a break right now.

@annadavis: Shit! I'm sorry!!

@coralacie: it was my idea, please don't apologize or i will start to overthink this whole Greece thing. i am alrdy doing that! better tell me about that favor right now!

@annadavis: I know this is a lot to ask, but everyone else is too busy. We leave for our honeymoon in five days and there is no one who could babysit Chloe (our cat lol) at our apartment. Tickets on us, of course! Please say you are not working on a new movie right now.

@coralacie: i am your savior :) in fact, i am bored out of my mind.

@annadavis: Leave early!

I smile and take a deep breath.

So Leo is relaxing on beaches in Greece.

I'm not ready to talk yet and neither is he, as it seems.

I am ready to go and pack my suitcase, though.

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