Chapter 16

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To be fair, I have no idea why she agreed to meet with me after everything. But then also I have no idea, yet again, about what I am doing.

I have been a dick many times in my life when it comes to women, but leading Cora on for two times seems too crazy even for me. So what exactly do I want from this meeting?

I can't be in a relationship. At least not now. I don't want to be in a relationship. So I don't understand why my heart starts beating faster whenever I think about waking up next to her every morning or getting her coffee while she is still in bed. Or kissing every inch of her body. Or holding her in my arms. Or telling her about my day and listening about hers.

My head is scrambled. It has been ever since I saw her in that damn taxi with her damn heart pajama pants.

Luke would have loved her.

I have been trying to forget about her ever since getting back home. Nothing seems to erase her from my memory. Sometimes I think I can still feel her touch on me.

We agreed to meet at some burger place, because I had let her choose. I never go to places like that.

I stand an hour in my bathroom, completely naked, trying to decide my perfume. Then I stand another hour in my closet trying to decide what to wear. Good thing I started getting ready early.

It is a Saturday night. It's snowing already.

I wear my suit that is more to the casual side and look into the mirror.

"A suit to a burger place, really, my guy?" I scoff at myself.

I don't think I own even one pair of jeans.

I get out my white pants and drop at least 50 boxes before I get to my black hoodie.

It's snowing really bad outside.

She shouldn't drive when it's like this outside.

What am I? Her mother?

I am already calling her.

When she picks up, she sounds in a hurry.

"Oh my, am I late? Shit, this can't be, I am running out the door now, please wait for me, bye!" She blurts out.

"Cora, stop!" I laugh. It feels so good to hear her voice.

"Let me come get you, it's crazy outside! And you're not late." I say.

"No, don't be silly, I will be alright, I'm sure we live far away from each other anyway."

"Cora, text me your address please." I smile to myself.

"Thank you! I actually hate driving when it's bad weather out." I can hear her smiling as well.

My phone rings and it is a message from her with her address.

"Oh, look, only 22 minutes away. Damn, girl, you are rich!"

She laugh snorts into my ear and my heart smiles.

I am focusing on the road very hard, maybe a little bit too hard, because it's not even that bad outside, I just can't stop stressing.

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