Chapter 15

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He has kissed me. All is shattered.

Days go by and I don't remember most of them.

I am trying to understand him. I really am. I am not the one to hold grudges.

But you don't say things like that, and you definitely don't kiss someone like he kissed me, if you want nothing to do with them. Or if you can't.

"I can't be together with you." His words keep replying in my head and I wonder what is it that makes him so scared.

Anna and Theo return. They are both sunkissed and even happier than before.

I am relieved to leave this apartment, but going back to mine, that I used to share with Leo, does not feel that much better.

For a second I consider visiting my parents.

"What the hell happened?" Anna begs me to tell her in the airport, since I have refused to do so ever since they are back.

"Remember what we said about fucking and leaving?" I shrug my shoulders like it's no big deal and hug her one last time.

She looks confused and in desperation to know more, but there honestly is not that much more to know, so I leave it that way.

At least we didn't have sex. I keep reminding myself that. Even though, what we did do, seems just as intimate to me.

I say my goodbyes to them and Theo tells me that he will kill Adam. I let out a weak laugh. Anna squeezes my hand.

I am miserably trying for this to not have that much impact on me, but I am miserably failing.

Filming starts soon. If I am happy about one thing in my life right now, it is definitely that.

When I get back to my apartment, I call my mother. She sounds rushed and honestly not in a very good mood. But she never really is.

I ask her about how are things at work and with my father. Her answers are short and polite, like in a job interview. She doesn't ask about me.

So I tell her about my first big movie project that we are starting to shoot in two weeks. I am only a director's assistant, but it still feels surreal to me. She sighs and asks me for the hundredth time what was the reason behind me not wanting to be a doctor like her and my father.

I promise to visit them on Christmas, even though she doesn't ask.

I don't tell her about Leo, because she probably wouldn't even remember who he is. Well, it really wasn't that much worth remembering for anyway.

I don't feel sad about the break up, maybe just a little bit about how much time and energy was wasted.

I find a new apartment, closer to my team's office as well. It is even smaller. But now I am also alone. And it doesn't hold memories.

Surprisingly Anna comes to visit me in early November. The weather is starting to get cold and my work schedule is more busy than ever.

But I am so happy to see her.

We get wine drunk.

"I just feel like I deserved an explanation, at least." I tell her, while we are snuggled up in my bed, watching reality shows.

"God, he is such an amateur when it comes to women." She sighs and it makes me laugh.

My head is so dizzy that I feel like my bed is spinning a little.

"Girl, honestly just text him. Let it all out. Or better, let's call him right now and arrange a meeting." She grabs my hands in excitement.

"Anna, you are being delusional!" I chuckle, as she keeps making circles in the air with our hands.

"After all, you both live in the same city." She continues.

"I won't be the first one to reach out." I tell her with a serious face.

Then she leans in for my phone and jumps out of my bed with it in her hands.

"Don't bother trying, I still don't have his number." I laugh, not moving an inch.

"I have something better in mind."

"Anna?" I am starting to get a little scared.

She is starting to giggle, so I jump out of the bed as well.

"Anna, give me my phone back!" I exclaim, as I am trying to take it out of her hands, but she is faster, and runs into the living room.

"Done!" She has an evil smile all over her face and my stomach drops.

"What the hell did you do?"

I finally grab my phone from her.

"No! No, no, no, no! You did not just do that!" I put my hand to my mouth and look at her in total shock.

"Girl, if you both weren't going to do anything, someone had to."

"I will literally kill you!"

"Now he will know that you haven't forgotten about him!" Anna shrugs her shoulders, still looking proud.

How could I?

"Yes, okay. But an Instagram follow? Anna, what the fuck? What am I? A teenager?"

This is so bad. Catastrophic, in fact.

"Then tell me why didn't I even have to search him up, because he was already the number one on the searched list?" She hits me with her elbow and I hide my face with my hands.

"I will unfollow." I state and Anna grabs my phone out of my hands once again.

"Are you crazy? It will make you look like an idiot!" She screams.

"I am already looking like an idiot!" I scream back.

I am sweating from how stressed I am, I don't know how I will be able to fall asleep now.

I want to be mad at Anna, but I can't be mad about something that makes me feel this awfully good.

While she is in the bathroom, brushing her teeth, I get a notification. My heart skips a beat or two.

"There's no way!" I think to myself.

I stare at the message so hard, it feels like my eyes will pop out.

Adam has sent me one of my oldest pictures from 2018 and written "That's a bizarre dress choice, Cora."

I start to scream and run to the bathroom.

"Stop!" Anna claps her hands, as I am jumping up and down.

While we are both staring at his message over and over again, another text appears. We both scream once again.

"This makes me think that maybe it's time we finally speak about what happened."

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