Chapter 9

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Sadly there was no flight leaving the next day after my conversation with Anna, or the day after that, since I didn't want to overpay.

There was just no way that they would have to pay for me after my boyfriend almost started a fight on their wedding day.

So I ended up flying to San Francisco the day before Anna and Theo leave for their honeymoon.

They picked me up from the airport in their awfully massive jeep.

It was late already, but they leave only tomorrow night, meaning I'll have some time with Anna to catch up.

"We should totally go on girls date tomorrow!" Anna squeak from the passenger seat as if she could read my mind.

"How come you can have a girls date and I have to sit at home?" Theo pouts and me and Anna laugh.

"It's too sad Adam couldn't make it, I know you miss him." Anna takes Theo's hand and I move uncomfortably in my seat.

"It's a little hot here, no?" I ask, breaking their cute moment of hand rubbing and finger interlocking.

"Um, no, but I can turn it down a little more, sure." Theo shrugs his shoulders.

"Are we almost home?" I ask again.

Both of them nod.

"You two seemed to be cozy with each other."

"What?" I let it out a little too fast and a little too loud so I try to laugh it off.

"Adam is, you know, Adam." I keep laughing.

"He is pretty great, huh?" Theo smiles at me in the rear-view mirror.

"Pretty arrogant, yes." I shake my head.

Anna keeps smiling but keeps quiet.

"Wifey told me you and Leo are in a rocky situation right now." Theo changes subject but I can't say that I like this topic more than the other.

"I will be forever sorry for whatever the fuck that was." I sigh.

"No, I didn't mean it like that, at all. If anything, we should be sorry you had to go through that." Theo gives me a soft smile and I smile back.

Anna looks at him with love filled eyes.

My best friend got her happy ever after with an amazing guy. Just like we always dreamed about.

"So, are you guys over?"

I stop for a second to collect my thoughts.

"I told him to wait until I am ready to talk about it and now we haven't spoken for about a month."

We stop at a red light and Anna turns on slow jazz music.

I feel the most calm I've felt in this last month.

"Do you want him to reach out first?" Anna joins our conversation.

I need some time to think again before I give them an honest answer.

"Not really, no. I have been kind of letting things go without really realizing it myself. I understand that we will have to talk eventually, even if the talk would be about ending our relationship." I say.

"What's stopping you from having that talk?"

"I guess I am just a little scared of him being too okay with it. I mean, he is in Greece right now, doing God knows what, with God knows who. For all I know, he is already way over me." I shrug.

I feel like a kid sitting at the backseat, talking to her parents about boy problems.

Is it weird to call your friends your parents?

I never had an opportunity to have any meaningful talk with my real ones.

"You can't know that for sure. He might be miserable, but respecting your choice to talk when you are ready." Anna says, bursting my reminiscing bubble.

"Of course. That's why I need to talk to him. Soon." All three of us nod.

"Want to stop to get some burgers?" After a while Theo asks us both.

"I am actually starving." I reply and Anna laughs.

While we wait at the drive through, I get out my phone.

i am back in San Francisco, watching Anna's cat while they are on their honeymoon, but i think we should finally talk when i get back.

I text Leo and put my phone down. Anna gives me an encouraging look.

Not even ten seconds pass, when my phone buzzes.

"Oh!" Both Theo and Anna exclaim.

Please! I have been missing you like crazy. Can't stop thinking about you. I love you.

I keep rereading the same three sentences over and over again, trying to understand how it makes me feel.

Am I happy and relieved or am I a little disappointed?

"You were right, Anna. He says, and I quote, I've been missing you like crazy." I sigh and the lady says she is ready to take our orders.

While Theo is ordering, Anna reaches out her arm and we hold hands.

"Think with your heart on this one. Not only your head." She squeezes my hand before letting go.


The burgers did exactly what they are supposed to do for all of us.

Once we got to their apartment, all of our stomachs were really happy with what they have consumed.

And I was so tired.

"The guest bedroom is down the hall." Theo guides me by throwing his arm up in the air while Anna unpacks groceries that, I'm guessing, they bought before getting me from the airport.

"Anna, stop!" I whine, feeling uncomfortable.

"Well, we couldn't leave you and Chloe with an empty fridge." She gives me the kindest smile and I realize how much I had actually missed my best friend.

It was already way past midnight when I fell into my bed for the next week.

I am asleep way too soon to be able to think about how good Adam's cologne smells or how his hands feel on my waist.

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