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The Great Hall was full of students watching others place their names in the Goblet of Fire

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The Great Hall was full of students watching others place their names in the Goblet of Fire. All of them were waiting for the arrival of the Hogsmeade carriages so they decided this was the way to pass the time.

Maggie and Hermione were huddled together, engrossed in an advanced healing book from Maggie's collection. They sat scribbling notes in the margins with Muggle pens, their heads bent close as they bounced their ideas off of each other as they examined the page on Wound Cleansing Potions.

"Perhaps increasing the amount of dittany could be beneficial," Hermione suggests and Maggie nods, her brow slightly furrowed in thought.

"Yes, but only in small increments. If we use too much, the skin might heal too quickly, and blood could potentially pool under the surface."

Meanwhile, Harry was sitting on the row below them, with his head resting comfortably on Maggie's knees, watching the students entering their names. Ron was engaged in a conversation with Seamus and Dean nearby, their voices blending with the excited murmurs of their fellow students.

"Also too much dittany may irritate the stomach lining," Hermione murmurs. "I'd say only one extra sprig would be enough"

"If we add more dittany we should reduce the amount of Lionfish spines-"

"Wish me luck, McKinnon!" Cedric calls as he steps into the circle and Maggie laughs. "You too, Potter"

"Good luck brave soldier," Maggie fans her face with a piece of parchment as Harry pretends to swoon.

"Oh, Cedric," Harry places his hands on his cheeks. "You make me blush when you think of me"

Loud shouting causes all heads to spin to the large double doors to see Fred and George jogging into the room with small vials in their hands.

"Oh dear," Maggie giggles. "5 galleons says this doesn't work"

"You're on," Harry shakes her hand. "I have faith"

"Thank you thank you, well lads we've done it-"

"Cooked it up just this morning"

"It's not going to work" Hermione sings.

"Oh yeah? And why's that Granger?"

"You see this? This is an age line. Dumbledore drew it himself"

"So?" Fred asks.

"So a genius like Dumbledore couldn't possibly be fooled by something pathetically dim-witted such as an age potion"

"That's why it's so brilliant-"

"Because it's so pathetically dim-witted"

"Ready Fred?"

"Ready George?"

"Bottoms up,"

"Work, please work," Harry crosses his fingers.

"So much for faith, huh?" Maggie teases.

As the entire crowd in the entrance hall fixes their gaze on him, Fred draws in a deep, determined breath and boldly leaps across the line. In that heart-pounding instant, Maggie dared to believe that it had actually worked - even George, standing nearby, shared in her conviction as he let out a triumphant shout and leapt after his twin brother. It seemed as though they had defied the odds.

But the belief is short-lived, abruptly shattered by a deafening sizzling sound that filled the hall. In a sudden, violent motion, both twins are propelled out of the circle, as if an invisible shot-putter had forcefully flung them aside.

Their landing is anything but graceful. With a painful thud, they sprawl ten feet away on the unyielding cold stone floor. To add a bizarre twist of fate to their misfortune, a strange and unexpected popping noise echoes through the hall, and, to everyone's utter shock, both Fred and George find themselves sprouting identical, lengthy white beards.

The entrance hall fell into stunned silence, broken only by the muffled groans of the bewildered twins.

Maggie can't contain her laughter any longer, and it erupts from her as she fixes her gaze on the two now geriatric-looking twins, their beards and long white locks a bizarre contrast to their mischievous grins. Hermione, sitting beside her, joins in the laughter, both of them unable to believe what they are witnessing.

"You said-"

"You said-"

The twins mirrored each other in synchronized comic rolls on the floor, their antics only fueling the amusement of the onlookers. A chant of "Fight, fight, fight" rose from the assembled crowd, though it was clear that the rivalry had taken on a whimsical twist.

Maggie shakes her head at the spectacle before her attention is drawn to the entrance of the hall. Professor Dumbledore had made his grand entrance, and all eyes, now including hers, shifted to the Headmaster who had arrived on the scene.

"I did warn you," A deep, amused voice says, and everyone turns to see Professor Dumbledore coming out of the Great Hall. He surveys Fred and George, his eyes twinkling. "I suggest you both go up to Madam Pomfrey. She is already tending to Miss Fawcett, of Ravenclaw, and Mr Summers, of Hufflepuff, both of whom decided to age themselves up a little too. Though I must say, neither of their beards is anything like as fine as yours."

With the twins supporting Maggie and Lee Jordan, they head towards the Hospital Wing. Maggie and Lee's steps were unsteady as peals of laughter echoed through the corridors. Fred and George had to take on the additional role of human crutches to ensure their friends didn't tumble over from their relentless mirth.

"Mind your hips," Maggie chokes out, unable to contain her own laughter, which sends Lee into a fresh fit of howling laughter.

The twins, grumbling good-naturedly between themselves, attempt to comply with Maggie's peculiar advice, adjusting their gait as they went.

Upon reaching the hospital wing, Maggie's eyes dart around, spotting other students who had also fallen victim to the geriatric transformation. Suppressing a fresh wave of laughter, she places her hand to her mouth, small snorts escaping her mouth.

Maggie and Lee's laughter remains uncontrollable as Madame Pomfrey approaches the twins with a razor in hand. Maggie's laughter bubbles up once more at the sight of the razor-wielding healer, who seemed ready to remedy the situation with her no-nonsense approach.

"I was so sure it would work," Fred murmurs.

"Harry owes me five galleons,"

"You bet against us?!"

"Of course I did,"

"Of course I did,"

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