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Maggie is immersed in her book on Greek Mythology, her eyes moving swiftly across the pages as the train rattles along the tracks

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Maggie is immersed in her book on Greek Mythology, her eyes moving swiftly across the pages as the train rattles along the tracks. The rhythmic sound of the train was like music to her ears, lulling her into a state of relaxation and focus.

She takes a sip from her travel mug, savouring the warmth of the liquid as it flows down her throat. Despite the excited chatter of the twins and Lee around her, Maggie was content in her own little world, lost in the fascinating tales told of her grandmother.

Circe was a fearsome but beautiful goddess, a witch who bewitched men with her voice. She was also talented at working the loom. She had a way with magical drugs and often turned men into beasts for her entertainment or as revenge.

"Interesting book choice," Lee says, causing Maggie to look up at him.

"New fixation I suppose," Maggie smiles at him.

Lee nods, glancing at the title. "Circe, goddess of magic, right? The one who turned people into pigs?"

"That's the one," Maggie confirms. "A complex character, to say the least."

Fred looks down at her from his position next to her. "Planning to turn us into pigs anytime soon, darling?"

Maggie smirks. "I'd never waste such a spell on you, Weasley. You're far more entertaining in human form."

Lee chuckles at their banter. "Well, if you're ever in need of a pig translator, let me know. I've spent almost seven years with these arseholes, I'm fluent in their language"

"Shove off Jordan," George laughs, nudging Lee who laughs.

"I suppose they're messy enough to be pigs," Maggie teases the twins who throw a piece of parchment at her that Lee had scrunched up and placed on the seat.

The parchment flies wide and lands on Fred's lap. He picks it up, unfolding it to reveal a hastily drawn sketch of a pig wearing a pair of glasses and a mischievous grin.

"Ah, the artistic talents of the Hogwarts students never cease to amaze," Lee remarks, holding up the drawing for everyone to see.

Fred squints at it. "Oi, that looks suspiciously like us."

"Does it?" Lee feigns innocence, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Maggie chuckles. "Well, if the snout fits..."

"So Maggie," Lee says, leaning forward. "The big one eight is coming up"

"Cha-ching in my vault," Maggie grins. "My eighteenth birthday is when I get my inheritance money from my grandmother in accordance with her will"

"So you're going to get even more money?" George asks, moving to kneel on the floor of the compartment. "Forget Fred, Maggie, will you marry me?"

"Get lost," Fred shoves his brother's forehead, sending George falling backwards.

"George, I'm flattered," Maggie fans her face. "But I must turn you down. For I love another!"

"Oh, my word!" George gasps dramatically, placing a hand on his forehead. "I feel faint, this heartbreak is too much for me to bear"

Maggie shakes her head with a smile as her eyes turn back to her book. After a few minutes, a piece of parchment hits her in the face causing her to blink in surprise before she looks up.

"Can you just look at these?" George asks, handing Maggie a small red notebook.


The witch begins reading through the pages, reading the healing segment of the twins' business plan. Maggie begins to rummage through her bag, searching for a pen. When she finds one, the witch begins to jot down small notes in the margins of the plan, carefully correcting any errors she comes across.

"Too many lionfish spines," The witch murmurs, looking at wiggenweld-infused bandages which released dittany in small doses to slowly heal a wound. "Add another sprig of dittany, an extra drop of flobberworm mucus. There,"

Maggie extends her hand and passes the notebook to George with a gentle smile. The wizard's eyes scan through the notes and improvements that Maggie had added, nodding in approval at the witch's insightful additions to the pages. After reviewing the notebook, George snaps it shut with a satisfied expression on his face.

"What would we do without you?" Fred grins at Maggie.

"Fail at life," The blonde replies.

"We would not!" George shakes his head.

"If we didn't have you in our lives, I'd have one less concussion on my list of past injuries," Fred nods.

"You're still going on about that?!"

"You're still going on about that?!"

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