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Maggie's eyes slowly flutter open and she finds herself lying in one of the Hospital Wing beds

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Maggie's eyes slowly flutter open and she finds herself lying in one of the Hospital Wing beds. She was alone but there were blankets draped across the chairs. The witch reaches for the goblet of water but her hand twitches, sending the goblet clattering to the floor. The sound of hurried footsteps gets louder as the person approaches her small closed-off area.

"Miss McKinnon!" Madame Pomfrey's voice was filled with relief. "You're awake!"

"Where's Harry?" Maggie asks, her voice is raspy and quiet. "Is he okay?"

"Mr Potter is fine, he's resting a few beds down,"

Maggie nods and sits back, relaxing at the news that Harry was okay but Madame Pomfrey's face tells her there was more to the story.

"You can tell me," Maggie says. "Whatever it is"

"Mad-Eye Moody was abducted last summer,"

"But he-"

"Polyjuice Potion was used for the entirety of the year, his identity was only revealed when he tried to kill Mr Potter-"

"Who was it?"

"Miss McKinnon, it was your father,"

At Madame Pomfrey's words, Maggie can't stop herself as she lurches over to the side of the bed, dry heaving. The matron gently rubs Maggie's back as the witch coughs, the stomach acid burning her throat.

"Your father told the Ministry about your childhood," The Matron continues. "How your grandfather hid him away. The Ministry has summoned you to testify to the Wizenmagot once you are well"

"Am I facing prison?" Maggie's voice was laced with fear. "For not telling anyone?"

"No," Madame Pomfrey shakes her head. "Your father confessed to torturing you and the abuse your grandfather put you through"

"His first act of decency in my lifetime," Maggie shakes her head. "Only took nearly eighteen years"

"They have detained your house elf Flopsy-"


Maggie flies up but Madame Pomfrey is quick to push her back down on the bed, a stern glare on her face.

"Professor Dumbledore is at the Ministry right now to get her freed," Madame Pomfrey says. "You are on bed rest. You only move when I say you can move"

"I can't just lie here and do nothing," Maggie huffs, crossing her arms over her chest.

"You can and you will young lady," Madame Pomfrey raises an eyebrow as if daring Maggie to challenge her.

"Fine but I am not happy about this,"

"Miss Granger dropped you some books off," Madame Pomfrey says. "Mrs Weasley has baked you an assortment of sweet treats and Mr Arthur Weasley has bought you this thing on a string"

"Oh, it's a yo-yo," Maggie says. "You sort of just drop it and if you do it right it bounces back up"

"Well, you have visitors waiting outside," Madame Pomfrey informs the witch. "Are you feeling well enough to see them?"

"Send them in please," Maggie grins.

Madame Pomfrey nods before walking away. Maggie can hear the Matron talking to the visitors before the sound of multiple feet hurrying down the Hospital Wing fills Maggie's ears. The blonde's face lights up when her visitors reveal themselves. Fred, George, Ginny, Lee, Cedric, Hermione, Ron and Harry, who was in a wheelchair.

"Harry, why-"

"Orders," Harry grumbles and Maggie nods in understanding.

The room fills with a mix of greetings and concerned glances as Maggie's friends gather around her bed. Fred and George share a concerned look when they see the bandages on Maggie's arm, Lee offers a friendly wave, Cedric gives a reassuring smile, and Ron and Hermione express their concern.

"How are you holding up, Maggie?" Hermione asks, her eyes reflecting genuine concern.

"Well, a bit crap but my entire family is dead now, except for my dad who is back in prison, so I am extremely rich," Maggie says and Hermione glares at her.

"Maggie this isn't funny!"

"It's a bit funny," Harry mumbles and Maggie grins at the boy.

"You both could have died!"

"Or worse expelled?" Harry asks and Maggie snorts.

"Have they gone barmy?" Ron asks.

"It's called a coping mechanism," Harry says. "Dealing with our feelings doesn't feel like something I want to do right now. Margot?"

"I'm on the coping mechanism train," The witch nods.

Hermione shakes her head in disbelief before she bursts into tears, burying her face in her hands. Harry and Maggie share a look before all eyes move to George who is already out of his chair, wrapping his arms around the crying witch.

"Two millionaires with no family," Harry looks at Maggie. "I suppose it could be worse"

"When my grandfather's life insurance comes through, it's going to be raining in here,"

"I imagine that might hurt,"

"Probably a little bit, can't hurt more than the cruciatus curse right?"

"Definitely not-" Harry looks at Hermione who is still sobbing. "We should probably stop making jokes right?"

"Probably best for now,"

"We have all summer to suppress our feelings unhealthily,"

"That we do,"

"That we do,"

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