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Maggie's door creaks open and she spots the shock of white-blonde hair before Draco pops his head around the door

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Maggie's door creaks open and she spots the shock of white-blonde hair before Draco pops his head around the door.

"Yes, Draco, come in," Fred drawls sarcastically. "We could have been shagging"

"Well you aren't," The younger wizard huffs, dropping into the armchair next to Maggie's bed. "Sirius only has red apples in the house. Red!"

"Don't you have such a hard life?" Fred rolls his eyes, flopping back onto the pillows. "Besides, red apples are better"

"You only say that because you're ginger!"

"Why did we take this little shit in again?"

"Because we're nice people," Maggie pats Fred's chest.

"Why is he topless?" Draco scrunched his nose up in disgust. "Never mind his nudity, what am I going to do? Sirius also drank all of the apple juice!"

"Are you building up to asking me to go to the shop with you?" Maggie asks.

"Yes," Draco sighs. "Asking for things is such a weird feeling"

"The rich privilege in this room hurts," Fred sighs, scratching Lucifer's head as the cat curls itself up on his chest.

"Suck my dick," Draco rolls his eyes.

"Only if you kiss me first," Fred wiggles his eyebrows.

"Let me get dressed," Maggie says. "I'll meet you downstairs"

"I'll come with," Fred says as Draco leaves. "I like looking at those naughty magazines"

"Is that why there's a stack of them in your dorm?"

"I'm a teenager," Fred shrugs.

Maggie pulls on some clean underwear before putting on a pair of joggers and one of Fred's jumpers before shoving a coat on.

"I'm glad the shop is only down the street," Maggie says.

"Ashamed of the outfit?" Fred asks.

"Look, no one wants to be caught in their corner shop outfit," Maggie says. "It's one of those thing. If you see someone you know going to the corner shop, you pretend you don't know them because you'll both be in your corner shop outfits"


"Ask Hermione, she'll back me up,"

"Ginny not apologised yet?" Fred asks as he pulls on a long-sleeved t-shirt.


"I'll speak to her-"

"Ginny's a big girl, Fred," Maggie shakes her head, pulling on her cream beanie. "She doesn't need her brother forcing her to apologise"

Fred grabs Maggie's hand, lacing their fingers together as they walk down the stairs to see Draco waiting at the bottom. The couple freezes when they see the black suit Draco is wearing before they begin to laugh.

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