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Upon entering The Hog's Head, it is immediately clear to Maggie and the others that cleanliness is not a focus of the owner

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Upon entering The Hog's Head, it is immediately clear to Maggie and the others that cleanliness is not a focus of the owner. The bar itself is coated in a thick layer of dust and grime, giving off the impression that it has not been thoroughly cleaned in quite some time. The glasses looked as though they had never been cleaned.

Maggie grimaces as one of the patrons of the Hog's Head leans towards her, grinning to reveal stained teeth. Fred is quick to wrap an arm around her waist, pulling her away from the man.

"So Granger," Fred says as they enter the back room of the pub. "Why are we in the dodgiest pub in Hogsmeade?"

"Umbridge won't have spies in here," Hermione shrugs.

"No, it's just full of perverts," Harry shudders, remembering the man who had propositioned him for a quickie in the bathroom.

As Hermione explains their choice of venue, Maggie raises an eyebrow. "So, we're trusting dodgy over creepy?" She glances around, noting the curious glances from the locals.

"Desperate times call for desperate measures," Hermione replies.

"Well, at least it's an adventure," Maggie mutters, her lips curling into a wry smile. "Just keep the perverts at bay, and I might survive this pub crawl."

"It's not a pub crawl Maggie," Hermione rolls her eyes.

"That's the only reason I came," Maggie groans, sitting on one of the free chairs.

Fred stands behind her, allowing Maggie to lean back against him. She smiles up at him and he leans down to press a quick kiss to her lips.

"I'm so single," George huffs.

"Maybe you should date Alicia Spinnet," Maggie says. "She has a thing for both of you. It might stop her from deciding to smother me in my sleep"

"Date that psycho? No thanks,"

"Beggars can't be choosers, Georgie," Fred teases his brother.

George snorts. "I'd rather stay single forever, thank you."

As they sit in the back room, they watch students begin to trickle into the room from Gryffindor, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff. Maggie frowns at the lack of Slytherin students, knowing the reason they weren't there was due to house prejudice.

"What's up love?" Fred asks, noticing Maggie's frown.

"There are no Slytherins here," The witch murmurs. "I know a few who'd like to protect themselves. Especially against their parents"

"Don't tell me-"

"Like Draco,"

"You said it," Fred sighs. "Okay, maybe we speak to him"


"I'm only doing this for you," Fred says. "If all else fails, we can teach him in our spare time"

"Alright, tell Hermione I'll be back later," Maggie presses a quick kiss to his lips before disappearing from the pub with a pop.

"Where has she gone?" Hermione asks Fred who shrugs.

Maggie walks into Tomes and Scrolls' cafe, knowing that's where Draco spent most of his Hogsmeade trips. In the corner, a head of blinding blonde hair catches her attention. Draco blinks in surprise when Maggie slides into the booth, facing him with a grin on her face.


"I have a proposition for you,"

"I'm flattered but-"

"Not what I meant and you know it," Maggie shakes her head. "I mean something that will help your practical exams for defence against the dark arts"


"Yep, but this is a secret,"

"Are you starting a secret club?" Draco asks.

"Basically," Maggie nods. "But I spoke to Fred and we said if you didn't want to risk being found out by your dickhead dad then we'd teach you in our spare time"

"Can we go somewhere quieter?" Draco asks and Maggie nods.

Maggie and Draco found themselves sitting on top of a hill. Maggie is silent, processing the information Draco has just told her.

"So your dad wants you to take the mark as soon as you turn seventeen?" Maggie asks and Draco nods.

"I don't want to," Draco admits. "I want to do something good in the world. You inspired me you know?"

"How on earth did I inspire you?"

"I want to be a healer," The boy grins.

"Does your dad know?"

"No, my mum does though and she's happy for me,"

"So," Maggie turns her head to face him. "What are you going to do?"

"I might run,"


"Well," Draco looks shy as he looks at Maggie. "I'm going to assume you know where Sirius is. I was wondering if you could speak to him for me?"

"If anyone would understand, it would be Sirius," Maggie nods. "I'll speak to him. But you'll have to do it over Christmas. Your parents won't expect it, I'll apparate us straight from the train"

"I have most of my things at Hogwarts,"

"If it gets discovered nationally that Voldemort is back, you won't be able to return to Hogwarts you know? If anything happens before or during Christmas you can't go back. You'll have to do your learning from the safe house"

"I know," Draco nods. "I wasn't planning on returning after summer"

"Okay, I'll speak to Sirius,"

"For the super secret club," Draco says. "Is there any chance I can sign up but my name is concealed? So if it gets found out before Christmas then my father won't find out?"

"I'm sure I can talk to Hermione," Maggie nods.

"I'm so glad you're with Weasley by the way," Draco says and Maggie's eyebrows rise in surprise.


"My father has ceased talks about us marrying,"

"Well, that's music to my ears,"

"Well, that's music to my ears,"

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