Chapter 6

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We chased the figure but he had already gotten into the elevator.

“Let’s take the stairs” Kayode said

We ran down the neverending staircase till we got to the ground floor.

I still noticed the suspicious figure moving to a direction of the administrative office

“Who was this?” I thought

The person moved to the back of the administrative office building

I signified to Kayode to move back while I sneaked on the person

From the spot I stood peeking, I noticed Pamela in the cloth the suspicious person wore

“So, it was Pamela” I said in my mind

“Pamela I’m scared” Adediwura said

I didn’t notice her earlier.

“You don’t need to be. We didn’t do anything wrong” Pamela snapped at Adediwura

“Besides, the weight of evidence is against Yemisi” Pamela continued

“Or did you say anything else to the investigators?” She asked looking worried

Adediwura shook her head to signify no
“Good, let’s go” Pamela said

I quickly ran to the administrative office so they wouldn’t see me.

I didn’t see Kayode where I asked him to wait. Someone tapped my shoulder. I jerked up in surprise

“Chill, why did you jump” Kayode said smiling

“You startled me and besides your hands are cold” I said

“Mr. Johnson is already here” he said

We moved to meet Mr. Johnson at the parking lot

“Why is school closed this early?” Mr. Johnson asked when we got into the car

“Someone died” I said

“Was killed” Kayode added

“Oh” Mr. Johnson said as he ignited the car and drove off

We got home in 15 minutes

“Thanks Mr. Johnson” I said

I entered into the house. Mum wasn’t home because no noise was coming from her room.

I went to my room upstairs and picked my phone on my table

This was the first time this week I actually had time for it.

I turned on my mobile data and my ears almost turned deaf with the number of notifications I had.

Most of them were from Whatsapp. Who did I know that sent me all these messages.

I opened the app and saw a group “SS2 Science Triston High Group”

“Mtcheeew” I hissed

“Who even added me to this mumu(foolish) group sef?” I asked

+234 902 457 2244 added you to “SS2 Science Triston High Group”

I clicked on the number and checked the profile picture. I noticed I had seen her before in the class but I don’t know her name.

I heard a knock on my door

“Come in” I said

Kayode entered and said “I ordered pizza” showing me the pizza box in his hand

“When did we get back that you ordered pizza” I remarked

“Are you going eat?” he asked sarcastically

“Who are you asking?” I said “Food is my middle name” I continued

“It’s actually Tricia” he said smiling moving to my study seat and putting the pizza on the table

“Hey” I said a thought striking in my head

“What” Kayode asked pizza in his mouth

“Do you know her?” I asked showing him the girl in the picture

“Isn’t she Sarah Bello, Mr. Bello’s daughter” he replied

“Wait, Mr. Bello has a daughter?” I said looking confused

“Mhmm” he said

Now that I knew who she was, it’s time to put my thought in action. I grabbed a pizza slice from the box

I opened a personal chat between me and Sarah. I noticed she was online so I was happy

Hey Sarah, it’s me Yemisi

Hi Yemisi

I just wanted to ask you some questions
With everyone saying I killed Alessia
I need to clear my name

I don’t believe you killed Alessia


Yep, Alessia has always been suspicious since she came to THS.

Suspicious as in????

Two weeks b4 ur arrival at THS I met Alessia in the restroom
She was crying saying she hated her life and stuffs like that
It was funny though because she’s really pretty and had the best grades

So you think that……?

Alessia killed herself obviously

Thank so much Sarah. If I have other question you don’t mind answering, do you?

Ywlc and I don’t mind at all

Again thanks

I turned off my phone. I really wanted to believe Sarah but what I heard Pamela and Adediwura said struck a nerve.

Why is all this happening to me

I stretched my hand to pick another slice of pizza. Kayode slapped my hand away.

“If you take that one that will be your 7th slice. I know you claim your middle name is food but me that bought the pizza only took 1 slice” he said eyeing me

Honestly, I didn’t know I had taken much slices.

I did my puppy eyes for Kayode begging him to let me take the last slice. He refused. I huffed, folded my arms and threw myself to my bed.

Suddenly we heard a car drive in. I picked up my phone and checked the time

10:17 am

Kayode checked who it was from the window

“It’s mum” he mouthed

Mum normally came home at 12. So, she can only be home for one reason

“Yemisi ooooo!” I heard her scream downstairs

“Mo ti wo leni (I have enter today)” I silently muttered

*Author's Note*
Yemisi is in hot 🔥 pepper 🌶️ soup 🍲
A lot of suspicion right
This chap is dedicated to She_isVahny for her support and comments
Ranking No 1 in Nigerian Girl is her book
"Our Stars"
Please do check it out"
I'm soooooo happy for a 100 reads.
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Yemisi's Dilemma: Unmasking the Class Bully's DemiseWhere stories live. Discover now