Chapter Thirty-Six

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Alena's Basic Care class began with Ulter advising everyone that the front laws were off limits until further notice on pain of painful death, though he was reading directly from a paper, and his tone questioned the wording. He then explained that he would be taking over Theon's classes because Theon was trying to fix the problem with the front lawns.

When Theon returned to classes, no one was to ask about his time away.

Rumours swirled, of course, but none of the students appeared to have an answer.

Selifer joined Alena at lunch, hoping she had heard something because she was a woman and the servants wouldn't run screaming from her. Alena hadn't thought of that, so she thanked Selifer, excused herself, and attempted just that.

Finding where the servants took lunch, she joined them for tea and declined the meal because she had just eaten. They sat and talked over tea. She didn't ask about the front lawns at all. They were the ones who asked her for information.

They had to enter from the back if they didn't sleep over at the school.

During the last class, the announcement came in via the Pan researchers visiting each class, returning to the school for the arch mage room. They hoped to open the room again with a full moon on the horizon and further their catalogue.

"Last night, Nillon Salord was executed by the Seven, balb. That is all."

The man left, leaving the students with even more questions. Alena went to Trild, knowing her husband would know more but also knowing he could very well say no.

"Balb means however he, the executioner, pleases," Trild said. "In the case of this executioner, he chose to attempt to send Nillon to Hell alive. For all we know, he succeeded. We can, then, safely assume it was Naena and Graydon."

"How long will it take to figure out what she did?"

"We won't," Trild responded with a shrug. "Technically it was bound in scales. Pan's only investigating due to Hell being involved, and the difficulty in closing the spell. In practicality, if you start chasing after a mage's magic to break it down into its core components, you're already behind. Only the pair that take the scene need to break it down, in this case, Pan and not the first shield on the scene. Thank goodness. No, Kal and I will continue forward as planned."

"She called Hell, and you don't want to know why?"

"Why, do you?" he asked.

"Yes," she protested. "Aren't you supposed to feel Hell?"

"The protection spell she used was so well done you had to be within six feet of the magic to feel it," Trild said. "But it is so complex that it'll never be practical unless it could be converted into a ward."

"Wards aren't taught... here..." she said. "What's a ward?"

"Basically, protection spells that are time-tested and true," Trild responded. "Your stitches, as much as you abhorred them, are wards."

"I've learned etiquette is important, but I only know some parts."

Alena knew the stitches were important but had never been the best with them. They had to be pulled in just such an order, and she often lost track in the middle.

"You do well, I've no complaints, nor have I heard any. But they are, at times, wards or warding. All are based on latent magic spells. That may be something I should add to your reading list when you have time. It's a fascinating topic. Taya found it very interesting compared to the things women are taught. Like the prayers, which you will begin learning next summer, are latent protective magic. I looked into it because I wanted to tell my mother no, but it is important for you to learn these things."

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