Chapter Forty-Seven

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Theon arrived at the Pan estate Friday night to the girls gathered at the bottom of the steps in clean dresses, hair done, the place in the usual quiet motions. He looked around him, then frowned at the oldest.

There was something about the girl that immediately made him want to punch her father and scream at her mother. She was too young to be the oldest presented to him.

"What's going on?" he asked.

"May I speak with you?" she asked firmly in response.

All of twelve years old, yet she already had the dignity of a lady who would run a house one day.

He allowed her to lead him to her father's study. They stepped in, and he watched her to move further into the study before he closed the door.

Placed firmly between her and the rest of the estate, he watched her and wondered if Luk would break his legs for this conversation or if Theon would be the one doing the breaking.

"What is it, dear?" he asked.

"They've been gone since Tuesday."

"I beg your pardon?" Theon asked.

She looked like she was desperately holding back with every bit of willpower she had. Then the words sprang forth.

"Mother and Father are just gone. Everyone says they're fine and we shouldn't worry, but I don't know that. I sent letters to you and Graydon expressing my concern and neither of you answered. Tipher is in the field and not due back for weeks yet."

Silence came over the study as she just stared at him as if expecting an answer. Tears welled up in the corners of her eyes and her face slowly screwed up.

"Are we under attack?" she asked.

"Oh, dear one, no!" Theon said, rushing toward her.

He drew her against his chest and hushed her as she cried. Once she stopped, he placed her in her father's chair and told her to take as long as she needed. He left the study, spotted the other children, and made a disappointed face.

"It is Friday evening, and you look like it's high tea on Sunday," he muttered.

One of them giggled. Theon jabbed a finger at her as she slapped her hands over her mouth and giggled again.

"I don't tell stories at high tea," he said. "Get yourselves out of those dresses. No, not here, you! Go change in your rooms. Go on."

Servants came forward, wrangling the two younger ones as the three middle ones headed up the stairs. Theon counted them off, added the oldest and realized he was missing one.

"Where are the babies?" Theon asked the air.

A servant stepped forward.

"In the nursery, sir," he said, lowering his eyes.

Theon smelled the man's fear.

"Where are the letters the girl wrote to myself and Graydon?"

"I'm not aware of their letters, sir. Haflon is holding the estate, sir."

"Fetch him, would you?"

"Yes, sir."

The man fled as Theon considered the lack of protection around the estate. It was as if Luk had left it to run as if nothing were happening. A cover, perhaps, to buy Luk time, but to do so without advising Theon was stupid and dangerous. If something had happened to the other children in the meantime, Theon never would have forgiven Luk.

Abaddon's CallDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora