Chapter Fifty-One

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Theon approached the winter formal aware that something was going on. He waited through much of it, watching around him as things were said.

Once classes were through each afternoon, Theon would teleport back to the Pan estate and have dinner with the girls. Tipher returned four days before the winter formal, looking exhausted.

"No one said there wasn't a rag or a stick," was the boy's only protest before he went immediately to wash.

Theon had no opportunity to speak with Lord Pan before the formal, which meant he entered blind and furious. He entered at the appropriate time, but everyone kept away from him.

When Lord Pan made his announcement, Theon was scanning the crowd. He met eyes with Trild and stared until the other looked away. He heard the announcement and all but expected it, considering Nendan's scheming. After the announcement was made, he made his way to Lord Lugh's table as his wife groaned and rubbed her bulging belly.

"I see your proofing made, Lord Lugh."

Nendan frowned at him.

While the pair had not discussed the reason behind the arranged marriage, it was easy enough for Theon to pinpoint.

Theon smiled and walked away as Lord Lugh muttered a curse in his wake.

He stopped by the Pan table and looked at Lord Pan.

The man met his eyes.

Theon walked on without comment. His sword didn't owe him an ounce of explanation, but after their decades together, Theon had thought his friend might offer something aside from silence to explain his lengthy absence.

He found Selifer among those at the ball and sat at the boy's table. The second year sat alone, staring at the table rather than looking around him.

"Are you all right?" Theon asked.

"Maybe," Selifer whispered back.

"Why the panic?" Theon asked.

Selifer looked up, then down, and shook his head. Theon looked up and tried to follow the second year's gaze, but it seemed to fall on Jasor, who was speaking with a merchant lord on the other side of the room. For just a second, Theon understood, then he felt puzzled, because he knew Jasor's history wasn't taught.

The Seven didn't want anyone repeating Jasor's many mistakes.

"I want to live," Selifer said to the table.

"Then, allow me to walk you to the door," Theon said. "Go on your way. Can you come visit over the holiday?"

"No," Selifer said.

"I will let Naena know, but it is an open invitation," Theon murmured.

He walked Selifer to the door and watched the second year leave. As the boy stepped out, Theon looked out over the floor and spotted Jasor frowning at him.

Theon felt bold.

He made his way to Jasor.

"What?" he barked. "What is it? What have I done? What imaginary slight are you gaping at?"

"Not you," Jasor said. "The boy you were with."

"So?" Theon asked.

"Didn't we have a boy that looked just like that in our second year?" Jasor asked. "He's... it's just strange, I find. That one's too young to be his son. The one I killed in second year had no family."

Theon felt a wash of cold flood through him.

He hadn't known it at the time, but Jasor had begun the devastation that had caused Theon's first kill. Considering Jasor's words, the man believed Theon had nothing to do with that kill, thinking it his own. The lack of family was explained simply by the brothels in the red district who employed women looking to conceive a mage.

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