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“SO, WHAT’S UP with you and Rafe?” Topper suddenly asked while the both of them walking together out from the beach. The blonde noticed that his friend and his sister getting a little closer lately.

And he saw how they seems to be so touchy with each other back at the beach. He knew Rafe and Hope used to be close back then, but they were kids. That was something different and now they all grew up.

“What do you mean?” Hope asked him back.

“You two look a little close lately” he pointed out “Is something going on that I don’t know but I should know?”

“If you thought that we’re dating each other like you did with Sarah, we’re not” Hope states, seems like she can read the thought inside his mind “That’s not going to happen”

Topper seems to be relief about it, because as much as he likes Rafe as his friend he totally doesn’t want that boy to be together with Hope. His sister can do so much better than Rafe.

“I don’t know, you guys look pretty comfortable with each other back at the beach. You sure there’s nothing between you and him?” Topper raised his brows, trying to get something out from her.

“You’re doing that shit again, Topper” Hope gives him a look “Just because I have a male friend doesn’t mean I’m gonna jump into a relationship with him”

Topper scoff a little.

“I’m trying to look out for you, okay? I’m sorry if I’m being overprotective. I just don’t want you to get hurt” he said making Hope to chuckle.

“It’s Rafe we’re talking about, you know him for most of your life” Hope states, glancing at him the her shoulder “I’m pretty sure he’s not gonna hurt me like that”

Topper glances down to Hope at the statement from her. Rafe might never hurt Hope in emotionally way, because he doubts that they’re going to get together. He just can’t see them in that way, plus he knows they’re  not each other type. But Rafe might hurts her physically, and he knows Rafe could.

If he’s under the influence of the drugs and something pushed him hard enough, he’s totally going to do that. Topper already saw a lot of shits that Rafe did, especially when he’s under the influence.

And Hope is right when she said he knows Rafe for most of his life. So he knows what is Rafe capable of doing. Though he doubts that the boy would hurt Hope, since he’s favour the girl a lot. But everything can happen when you’re too high to think straight.

And Topper want to keep Hope from that possibility as far as he could, he doesn’t want to deal with the consequences later. Pretty much it could be too late to handle.

“Just be careful, okay?” Topper reminds her, giving a soft yet concerning smile. Hope has the curious look, wonder what could Topper meant behind his words. But knowing her brother, he could just being dramatic like he always did every time she’s get a little close to a boy.

“Yeah, sure” Hope nods, patting his back. Topper feels satisfied with the answer, glad that she’s not questioning him more about it.

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