two •

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The early morning sun was always something I appreciated.

It reminded me of a new day or a new beginning one would say.

Although, this beginning didn't feel so new. Here I was, sitting in the station at a desk. I had only been able to sleep for two hours after finishing my shift last night, so I decided to get my paperwork out of the way.

The morning sun casted a soft golden glow through the station windows, a pen gliding against my paper as my dark hair was pulled back into a neat ponytail. My eyes remained sharp and observant as I kept half an eye on my surroundings.

Guess the paranoia was a newfound instinct after everything that happened as a detective.

I looked up to see Bradford now entering the building. He appeared as always, tall and composed with an impeccably pressed uniform. His gaze appeared steady as it reflected the years of experience he'd had in law enforcement.

He now spotted me across the room, offering a nod of acknowledgement as his lips curled into a faint, professional smile. I returned the action.

After finishing my paperwork, our paths converged near the coffee machine. I had always been one to enjoy a good banter, especially now I was slowly relaxing back into my job with LAPD.

I greeted Bradford with a smirk. "Morning, Bradford. Ready for another day of keeping this city in check?" I enquired.

Bradford's response was measured, his tone appeared dry but I could tell it was laced with a hint of amusement. "Morning Hale. Ready as I'll ever be. You know, some of us prefer a good nights sleep to keep the city safe. Rather than caffeine." He pointed out, gesturing to my cup of coffee.

I rolled my eyes in a playful manner, "oh come on Bradford. You can sleep when you retire. For now, there are bad guys to catch and cases to solve." I pointed out.

He chuckled, "you're right."

"Can I get that in writing?" I immediately asked.

"Let me finish." He replied, shaking his head. "Suppose I'll have to rely on your boundless enthusiasm to keep me awake. Rather than caffeine." He scoffed jokingly.

"Consider it my civic duty, Bradford. Someone has to keep you on your toes." I reminded.

I was called into a meeting with the Captain. I expected it to be about my progress, and I felt positive despite Bradford and I's argument last night. It was solved, at least.

Captain Anderson approached me with a stern yet understanding expression as I stepped into her office after knocking. "Hale, I need you to train Officer Chen today. Both Bishop and Lopez have complicated matters on today. Chen is one of the best." Captain informed.

My eyes narrowed slightly, a flicker of hesitation crossing my face. Training rookies was not the issue; it was the memories from my previous job that continued to haunt me. I'd only been back a day. I wasn't sure what may trigger me.

"Captain, you know about my history." I begin, voice steady but tinged unease. "I'm worried my past may affect Officer Chen's training." I expressed.

Captain Anderson placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "I understand, Hale. But I believe you are more than capable to handle this. You've been through extensive counselling, and we all know how competent you are. I trust you." She reassured.

I took a deep breath and nodded.

"Thank you Captain. I appreciate your confidence." I told her, before I headed to find Officer Chen.

Officer Chen and I were attending our first call of the day. A simple domestic, it shouldn't of been anything to worry about.

I had been tasked with mentoring Officer Chen, who had proven in the car to be a rookie full of ambition and potential. I was however just determined to overcome my past trauma and provide the guidance Chen needed.

Illusive | Tim BradfordWhere stories live. Discover now