thirty one •

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Officer Chen's perspective

I returned to the police station. My eyes probably reflected how exhausted I was.

I wanted to give my statement whilst everything was still fresh in my mind. I didn't want to forget any details that may help find Officer Hale.

I walked the familiar halls, but the atmosphere felt tenser than usual. Every Officer knew the gravity of this situation. I knew I had to provide the most detailed and accurate statement I could in hopes to find Officer Hale.

I made my way into the interrogation room. Where a team of investigators awaited for me to recount the events. I sat down, taking a deep breath, steadying my emotions as best I could.

The room remained silent, except for the occasional sound of shuffling papers.

In a composed yet form voice, I begin to recount the incident. I described the initial call, the confrontation with the suspect, as well as the terrifying moment when I realised Officer Hale had been taken.

My words painted a vivid picture of the chaos and urgency of the situation. I conveyed the fear I had felt and the desperation I felt to find Officer Hale.

I provided every single detail I could remember. From the suspects appearance to the direction he fled. I hoped the information would be valuable when it come to finding Officer Hale.

I also mentioned how Hale seemed to recognise the suspect and tried to handle the situation before it escalated beyond our control. This seemed to spark concern from the interrogators, quickly noting the fact Hale had recognised the man down.

The interrogators listened intently, seemingly absorbing every word I spoke. The room was filled with a mixture of empathy and determination.

Once my statement was complete, I answered the investigators questions to the best of my ability. Despite the evident fatigue in my eyes, my resolve remained unshaken.

Finding Officer Hale was the top priority.

With the statement finally recorded, the investigators thanked me for my cooperation. I left the room.

As I stepped out, my shoulders felt heavy with the weight of the situation. Officer Bradford approached me with a look of concern etched across his face. His eyes also mirrored the same worry that gripped the entire police force.

"Do they have any leads yet?" He enquired, his voice edged with frustration and fear for Officer Hale.

I shook my head, my voice grave as I replied, "not that I know of. They're doing everything they can. None of us will stop until we find her."

Bradford nodded, his jaw tightly clenched in determination. "Did Hale manage to say anything? Did she seem to recognise the guy?" He asked, his concern palpable.

I had now realised there was something no one else knew. Something had happened to Hale before she joined the LAPD. This must of been why she left the detective department in New York.

I hesitated to answer Bradford for a moment, but I soon found the confidence to respond; softening my voice as I spoke. "No, she... she froze up. It all happened to fast. The recognition of the man was there, but she had no time to react before he took her." I admitted.

"I've never seen her like that before, at least not since the panic attack she had a few months ago. It was like she was in shock." I added.

His expression tightened, a mix of anger and helplessness swirling in his eyes. His fists clenched as he struggled to contain the emotions he was feeling. "We'll find her Chen. We have to. Maddy's tough. But even the strongest of us can only endure so much. We need to bring her back." He rambled slightly.

Illusive | Tim BradfordWhere stories live. Discover now