six •

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New day, new beginning.

Kinda bullshit in all honesty.

But also kind of not.

I walked into the station this morning, pretending I hadn't had the worst few days ever.

Was I ready to be back? Probably not. Oh well.

This is what happens when you don't have a hobby. You become a mentally unstable person obsessed with your job. Actually, kind of a vibe.

"Hale." I heard Captain Anderson's voice.

"Morning Captain, do you need me to do something?" I enquire, smiling to the woman.

"Actually, yeah. Come have a seat," she instructed softly.

I felt that instant wave of anxiety wrap me up, but regardless I followed the captain into her office. Taking a seat in the chair.

"Officer Bradford came to me yesterday," she revealed, and I felt my stomach tie in knots. "He said word for word, that he didn't understand the depth of your trauma but felt as though you may need some support." The captain told me.

"Any idea what's sparked this for Bradford?" She asked, she knew something had happened. She just didn't know what.

"Um, on my break yesterday, I had a nightmare. Bradford woke me up from it." I told her. I had decided honesty was most likely the best way to approach the situation.

The captain nodded. "Your hard work and dedication has not gone unnoticed, Hale." She begin, but something told me there was a but soon to follow.

I nodded, "thank you, Captain. I appreciate your support."

I watched as Captain Anderson leaned forward, her expression turning slightly more concerned. "However, I know Officer Bradford has a history of being quite stern. I wanted to talk to you about it. I'm concerned he may be acting too harsh, which may affect your performance and morale." She admitted.

I shook my head, "Bradford has been nothing but supportive. He has not done anything to hinder my progress." I told her softly.

Anderson raised an eyebrow, she was surprised by my response. "I see. That's interesting to hear. If you're comfortable with Bradford's approach and you feel supported, that's essential." She spoke, and I listened intently to her every word.

"I must say, I'm a bit surprised. It's not his usual style to be accomodating and understanding." Anderson admitted.

I nodded, "I'm aware, Captain. I was surprised as well. Maybe he noticed I was struggling and alerted his approach. Whatever the reason, I appreciate it." I told her.

Both Bradford and I had both been sitting at a table next to each other, working on paperwork this afternoon, as we alway tended to do.

But this afternoon, something was different. As we worked in silence, Sergeant Grey approached us. More so Bradford, but I was seated next to him.

Grey looked like the weight of the world was on his shoulders, immediately I could tell this was not good news. "I was just notified that detectives made a drug bust. It's your wife." Grey revealed.

"Isabel isn't a dealer," I muttered under my breath. I didn't expect anything like that from her.

I didn't think I'd spoken loud enough to be heard, but I watched as Bradford nodded at my words. "Exactly, Isabel isn't a dealer." He reinforced to Grey.

As Grey begin to lead Bradford in the direction of the investigation room, Bradford nodded for me to follow as well.

As we reached the detectives, we stood behind the privacy glass window. "Bradford and Isabel were rookies together." Grey mentioned to the detective.

"And Hale as well," Bradford added.

"So she's a cop?" The detective asked.

"Was. Undercover narcotics." Bradford informed. Bradford entered the room with Isabel.

After Bradford went in to see her, I left and continued on with my paperwork.

I continued to focus on my paperwork, my mind racing with thoughts about Isabel. I couldn't wrap my head around the idea of her going from normal Isabel to an Isabel involved in something like this. We once had shared our dreams, our fears, and the challenges of being in law enforcement. When we were rookies together. I couldn't believe that she had gone down a path that could jeopardise everything her and Tim had built together.

As I scribbled down notes, trying to concentrate on the task at hand, my mind kept drifting back to the conversation with Captain Anderson. Her concern for my well-being and the surprising support from Officer Bradford played in my thoughts like a broken record. Despite the chaos around me, I found a strange sense of comfort in knowing that someone was looking out for me, even if it was in their own, often gruff, way.

Hours passed, and the station buzzed with its usual activity. Officers rushed in and out, phone lines rang incessantly, and the fluorescent lights overhead flickered with a monotonous hum. I couldn't shake off the feeling of helplessness that gripped me. I desperately wanted to be there for Tim, to understand what had led Isabel down this path, but all I could do was wait.

Eventually, Officer Bradford emerged from the room where he had been speaking with Isabel. His expression was unreadable, a mixture of concern and determination. I approached him, my heart pounding in my chest.

"Are you okay, Tim?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

He looked at me, his eyes reflecting the same worry that I felt; but his for Isabel, mine for him. "Isabel is in deep trouble, Maddy. I'll do everything we can to help her, even if it means bending a few rules." Bradford tells me honestly.

I nodded, grateful for his honesty. Despite his stern exterior, there was a genuine sense of camaraderie in his words. We might not have always seen eye to eye, but in this moment, I had a gut feeling he may do something stupid to protect his wife.

I nodded, trying to be strong for both of us. "You'll both get through this, Tim. You have too."

He placed a hand on my shoulder, his grip firm but reassuring. "I appreciate your support, Maddy. We're a team, just like old times."

We shared a moment, our shared history as rookies, the time we spent in the academy, the challenges we faced together, and the unbreakable bond that came with being in law enforcement. Despite the tumultuous situation, I felt a renewed sense of determination. I wasn't just Officer Hale; I was Tim's partner, his confidante, and his friend.

With newfound resolve, I returned to my paperwork, my focus sharper than before. The night stretched on, and as the station grew quieter, Tim and I found ourselves working side by side, supporting each other through the long hours.

"We better head home," Tim expressed, I yawned and nodded in agreement.

"Night, Tim." I dismissed, leaving the station and heading home.

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