eighteen •

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The station felt different, charged with an atmosphere I couldn't quite place my finger on. It was a subtle shift, imperceptible to most, but to me, it felt like a storm gathering on the horizon. The source of my unease was Tim, or rather, the change I sensed in him after his conversation with Officer Chen.

I had overheard them discussing Ashley, and the word "marriage" hung heavy in the air. My heart clenched at the thought. Tim, the person who had become an unexpected anchor in my life, seemed to be moving towards something more permanent with someone else. The idea of him being in a committed relationship, possibly on the path to marriage, sent ripples of fear through me.

To protect my heart, I instinctively started avoiding him. Every time he entered a room, I found an excuse to leave. I busied myself with paperwork or immersed myself in conversations with other colleagues, anything to keep a safe distance. I couldn't bear the thought of seeing the happiness in his eyes, a happiness that didn't involve me.

Tim, being the perceptive man he was, noticed my withdrawal. One evening, he cornered me in the break room. His eyes, usually warm and comforting, now held a hint of concern, a reflection of the distance that had grown between us.

"Hale," he said, his voice soft yet filled with genuine worry. "We need to talk."

I shifted uncomfortably, avoiding his gaze. "There's nothing to talk about," I replied, my tone sharper than I intended.

"Maddy, you've been avoiding me for days," he said, his brow furrowing. "Did I do something wrong?"

The sincerity in his voice chipped away at my defenses. I took a deep breath, gathering the courage to voice my fears. "I overheard your conversation with Officer Chen. About Ashley and marriage."

His eyes softened, understanding flooding his expression. "Maddy, Ashley and I are seeing each other, yes," he admitted. "But that doesn't change what we have. You're important to me, and I don't want you to pull away because of this."

I shook my head, my emotions a tangled mess. "I can't help it, Tim. I've seen relationships in this job fall apart. I can't watch something beautiful turn into pain. I can't be that vulnerable."

Tim stepped closer, his hand reaching out to gently touch my arm. "I understand your fear, Maddy. But I can't control the future. What I can promise is that our friendship, our bond, is something I value deeply. Nothing will change that."

His words hung in the air, heavy with sincerity and honesty. I met his gaze, seeing the truth in his eyes. Despite my fear, I couldn't deny the connection we shared. I nodded slowly, my guard lowering just a fraction.

"I need time," I admitted, my voice barely above a whisper. "I need time to wrap my head around all of this."

He nodded, his understanding expression easing the knot in my chest. "Take all the time you need, Maddy. I'll be here."

With those words, he left the room, leaving me to grapple with my emotions. The storm inside me hadn't dissipated entirely, but Tim's unwavering support offered a glimmer of hope. Maybe, just maybe, I could navigate the complexities of my feelings and find a way to face the fears that held me back.

I took Tim's words to heart. The tension between us slowly eased, although I maintained a cautious distance, not ready to fully immerse myself in the whirlwind of emotions his presence stirred within me. We continued to work together, our professional rapport as strong as ever, but there was an unspoken understanding between us. He respected my need for space, and I appreciated his patience.

As I grappled with my feelings, I found solace in my work. The demands of the job provided a necessary distraction, allowing me to channel my energy into something tangible and concrete. Each day brought new challenges, new cases to solve, and the camaraderie of the team offered a sense of belonging that I cherished.

Illusive | Tim BradfordWhere stories live. Discover now