eight •

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The next morning, I wasn't sure whether I expected to see Bradford or not.

Part of me knew he'd show up if we were taking Vance down, but a part of me thought he may stay with his wife.

Sitting in the briefing room, I watched as Bradford entered the room. He took a seat beside Lopez.

I tuned my mind back into Sergeant Grey, as he explained that Vance's girlfriend Cesiah Olivo lived in Brunson Estates. But we were unsure which apartment she lived in, so that meant we'd be knocking on doors until we found her.

"This has the potential of being a very dangerous operation. Vance is a heavy hitter. He has a well-armed crew. He will not go down easy." Grey informed.

All the cops started exiting the room, I immediately headed to kit up the shop for Bradford and I.

All three patrol cars pulled into the parking lot of Bronson Estate. Bradford, Bishop, Lopez, Chen, myself and West all climb out of our cars.

"Let's gear up. Got your backup piece?" Bradford asks.

"Yeah of course." I commented, but Bradford handed me a metal piece. I furrowed my eyebrows, "you really think we're gonna need trauma plates?" I asked.

"You do know why this is called the Bronson Estates?" He asked, raising his eyebrows at me.

I shrugged, "I spent a lot of time in New York, not Los Angeles." I replied.

"You really do live under a rock. There was a movie called 'Death Wish' and it starred Charles Bronson." Bradford informed, attaching his own little insult to the information.

Once we were all ready, and had to convince Bradford to leave the rifle, we were getting ready to head in the direction of the building.

"Okay. Hale and I will start on three. Bishop and Chen take two. West and Lopez, take ground floor. We must stay in constant radio contact." He instructs us all, before holding open the door for us all to enter the building.

"What a gentleman." Lopez mocks.

After what felt like years of knocking doors on the third floor, Bradford knocked on one of the apartment doors, saying "Gas company" to hopefully throw Cesiah off if it were her apartment.

Suddenly, Cesiah opens the door. But she quickly tries to shut it when she sees myself and Bradford. But luckily, Bradford is quick enough to stop her and step inside.

"Cesiah Olivo. Just the woman we're looking for." He speaks.

Cesiah appears worried, I don't know if that's because of Vance or because of our presence. "Marcus isn't here." She's which to tell us.

Both Bradford and I work to clear the apartment, eventually clearing any possibility of Vance being there.

"When's the last time you heard from Vance?" Bradford asks. I now realise the woman is heavily pregnant, and she doesn't seem that old.

"Yesterday. He was supposed to come over last night. He never showed up." She informs.

I wonder why. Not like he was out trying to kill an ex undercover cop.

"You know who he is? What he does for a living?" I ask her.

"Yeah." She utters, clearly not proud.

"And you're okay with that?" I ask again.

Cesiah reveals that Vance made her move in to the Bronson Apartments so him and his men could keep their eyes on her. I feel devastated for the young girl, but push my own emotions aside for the sake of the task at hand.

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