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set up
  Chapter 27 Sun Camp
  With his throat rolling, Su Mo did not look away from the blur of blood.

  The cruel and absurd scene did not last long.

  After the ferocious beast was full, it glanced here from a distance, and then ran in the other direction.

  Although the beast is cruel, it is not stupid.

  With so many people in the two cars, a ferocious beast numbered A089 didn't have the guts to challenge them.

  The little interlude ended and the vehicle moved on. They needed to find a temporary place to stay before dark.

  "Yes, you should be able to see it if you go around here."

  And this depends on Uncle Lang, who has many friends.

  Camp Sun, that's where they were going at the moment.

  The vehicle drove into a small town, which had been purged several times and was now basically occupied by humans.

  There is no need to be afraid of ferocious beasts hiding in secret and making surprise attacks.

  Ten minutes later, Su Mo had already seen the prototype of the camp ahead.

  This camp is much larger than Rock Camp.

  Looking from a distance, I saw some high-rise wooden buildings and even a screen playing some ancient videos.

  It is a romance film, and the relationship between the male and female protagonists is touching.

  When a group of people got off the bus, many people from the camp came out to greet them.

  "Old Wolf, you are finally here!"

  A middle-aged man who came over first gave Uncle Wolf a hug.

  They patted each other's backs very hard.

  "Lao Li, be gentle."

  "After riding in the car for a day, my body is about to fall apart."

  Uncle Lang shouted, looking at the other person: "Boss Cheng, thank you for letting us camp here overnight. "

  Cheng Nian is the leader of the Sun Camp. He looks like he is in his fifties, but he is very energetic.

  "What are you talking about? Your camp has helped a lot of people in our camp before."

  Cheng Nian said and walked towards Shi Yan: "You must be Boss Shi. I've heard of you for a long time. Please come in." "Come on.

  " Come on, everyone, come in."

  Cheng Nian took the initiative to greet him, but the people in the camp walked in with some restraint.

  Xiao Douding grabbed Su Mo's arm and looked at the surrounding environment curiously.

  "Sister Su, this place is so beautiful."

  When I walked in, I realized that the buildings in the camp were neatly arranged, and it was not just a random place to set up a tent.

  There are several pieces of land against the wall where some vegetables are grown.

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