Chapter 1: Green Eyes

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"If an Evolved Human is after you, don't run." But I was running.

They managed to trespass an area of the city, and there was chaos.

"Over here, Marien!"

My friend and coworker Marcus Castillo guided me to lose our pursuers through an alley. Some Evolved men found us, although they were running somewhat slowly. It seemed as if they were playing hide-and-seek.

The group of evolved beings passed us by except for one who was further back. He went into the alley, following us. I was exhausted, and my breathing was already painful. I was about to give up; I had no one left after all. They had finished my family off. Maybe there was nothing else to fight for...

My coworker pulled my hand and forced me to run faster. Simultaneously, the EH grabbed my hair without catching me, taking a few with him and making me cry out of pain and despair.

"I won't let you down!" my friend yelled at me. He sounded as exhausted as I was.

We had made a bet to care for our health during our studies. He couldn't get sloppy with his diet because he'd gain a few pounds immediately. If we left safe and sound from this, he would undoubtedly go on a new diet.

Marcus was at my place at the moment of the attack. It was early in the morning, and we were about to go to the laboratory and continue our research. We analyzed a highly toxic, natural substance that could function as a biological weapon to kill Evolved Humans. 

After what happened to my parents, I found that research as a reason to continue. I didn't know if it was revenge I was seeking or just contributing to my species. I had only known that I needed to continue.

We were about to go to the lab when we noticed the alarms and a group of evolved beings attacking our people. Public safety agents went after them, shooting them non-stop. It was all chaos.

My friend pulled from me again to accelerate the pace, but another Evolved appeared by surprise from the side, ramming him. He bit his arm immediately, making my friend scream and swear. I screamed desperately. The EH, coming after us, jumped on the other, separating him from Marcus and beginning a fight for their prey.

We took our chance to flee again, but my friend was hurt. Those savages had a powerful jaw. They could tear out muscle and skin if they wanted to. However, my friend's wound didn't seem too deep or severe.

"Let's break apart. I'll distract them."

"No way!"

"Don't be silly. My blood will attract them. You must..." We suddenly stopped when we realized the alley had ended there. We were cornered. We turned around, and the two beings stood a few feet away. I could see them eager to jump on us.

"Well, this went better than I expected," said one. He showed his fangs in a smile.

"I saw them first. Go away." The other man got ready to leap over us. I could see the strength of his muscles tensing under his torn clothes. A low roar began to sound from his chest and came through his teeth.

Yes, they could growl and roar, too. 'Anything else, Mother Nature?'

It was the end. I grabbed Marcus's arm, ready to have at least a quick death. The EH ran toward us, and I closed my eyes in terror. Marcus wrapped me in his arms, squeezing me tight. Everything would be over soon.

But suddenly, shots rang out. I opened my eyes. Security Ward had reached us and taken down the being that would attack us. Meanwhile, the other was still fighting until they shot and brought him down.

I was breathing profusely. I backed up until I hit the wall behind me and slid to the floor, hugging my knees. The security officers took care of us.

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