Chapter 27: A New Routine

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Marien's POV

I examined his father's condition and went to give them the news.

"He must stay one more day. His ribs are better, but his arm is not; one more day will suffice," I explained to them.

"That's good," Sirius commented with a relieved smile.

"We'll wait, no problem," Phoenix added.

Marcus came looking for me.

"Marien, let's go to the lab. I need your help with a few things."

He tugged on my arm without giving me a chance to react. I turned to look at Sirius, and he and his father's two companions watched me walk away. I'd forgotten what it was like to work and see him at night. I was suddenly saddened; I had gotten used to being with him all day.

I was dragged into the laboratory. When I arrived, Rosy smiled, came over, and pulled me away from Marcus.

"Hey," he exclaimed.

"I'll give her back to you right away," she replied, then spoke to me in a low voice. "So, did you guys make it?"

I laughed, embarrassed.

"No. I already explained how things are."

She pouted.

"Well... but are you at least going to tell me how it was after you do it?" asked hopefully.


"Okay, I conform with that."

I chuckled. She returned to what she was doing, and I went to Marcus.

"Well, what do you need?"

He smiled.

"Help me classify these cells. They are from an EH. I am comparing them with those of humans."

He gave me some samples, and I knit my eyebrows in confusion.

"Where did you get these samples from? Have they brought a corpse?"

He looked at me, intrigued.

"Uh... No, they just bring them to us so we can study them."

My stomach knotted. Somewhere, there had been another fight, and they had gotten more corpses of evolved men. That was highly likely.

"They always bring you samples..." I muttered.


I snorted and began to examine them.

"This is definitely from the nervous system," I commented.

"Great, save it down in the tablet."

We continued in silence until he broke it again.

"So, tell me... You're married to him." I smiled. "How times change."

"It's like a youthful madness, but still... I don't regret it."

"I don't think it's youthful insanity, it just happened, and that's fine, I guess."

We continue to sort the samples. After a while, I spoke again.

"I'd like to get an appointment with the Army, the government, or whoever. They can't use that toxin."

"Yes, it's as if they have searched for a way for us to work with it to such an extent that we leave it practically ready for them to take it and use it. Of course, they didn't count on the attack that occurred. Besides, the president disagrees, so we have time. Surely, the man doesn't want to ruin his image to make sure with the next elections. This morning, he announced that there would be a meeting with all the governors to discuss this issue. It will take place in a couple of months."

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