Chapter 16: Decisions

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Sirius' POV

Yes, I wasn't as good as Marien thought. I couldn't even keep looking at her. This had been my mission from the beginning since the humans had threatened us. I was a warrior, trained since childhood to be tough and fierce. Taking advantage of my transition stage, they made me sneak among the humans and find her to bring her.

Of course, at first, I didn't know my mission was a girl. It was against my principles to hurt a lady, no matter what. Dad had instilled in me respect for women. For Orion, humans were of no value; I saw it differently.

Now, I felt that I had committed dishonor. It didn't matter if she was human; I had betrayed her. I betrayed someone who trusted me.

But what other choice did I have?

I asked Altair not to mistreat or hurt her so we could talk and reason. However, he did not answer me. He just looked at me sideways while Orion spoke to Marien.

We left the small building, where I spent much time training when I was younger, and I hurried to talk to Orion.

"I already accomplished my mission," I spoke coldly and decisively. "You should do your part, tell the leaders, and stop watching upon my mother."

Orion, approaching a bonfire that the brothers Apus and Antares had built, turned to look at me with annoyance.

"You took too long. You go and fix your stuff."


"I agreed with the elder leaders that you would go. You are already a man. Say hello to your mother for me, and join a partner. I can take care of this from now on. It's no longer your mission. You're done." He turned and continued with his thing. I clenched my fists. This wasn't in the plan, but... "Go. My men will believe you won't show up today either, and they'll get impatient. You don't want them to harass your mother, do you?"

I looked back at the fort where Marien was but thought of my mother. All my life, I heard that she had committed dishonor, that I was a mistake, that I should not have been 'born.' I didn't understand what they meant, but that was why they punished me, telling me from a young age to be a warrior when I should have been a builder, like my father, or a hunter, like my mother.

This mission would clear my mother's name. Her honor was to be restored. I hadn't had a choice.

I was cornered, but I trusted that Altair would explain to Orion, and they would talk to Marien to make some deal. At least, that was what Orion had told her. He wanted her to collaborate so that she would get out of there. In any case, I wouldn't take long or continue with my life as if nothing had happened.

I ran towards the town.


The town was a little far away, so I didn't stop until I got there, overwhelmed with worry. I was already breathing hard. It was almost five in the morning, and I was soon greeted by the ups and downs of the dirt streets since we were among the mountains. Our homes were camouflaged under huge trees.

Some chickens ran scared to get out of my way. Several people recognized me, and I heard them mention me with some surprise.

As the day began for many, I could smell the charcoal stoves and hear the movement. Dew was in the air, and the wet earth had a characteristic smell. However, this time, I wasn't so happy to return after so long; I just wanted to clear things up and return as soon as possible to ensure Orion let Marien go.

I saw the two Orion men sitting near the entrance to my house and stopped, growling like a mad dog and becoming as threatening as I could.

"Ah. Sirius. It's about time," one sneered.

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