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    The walk to the police station was excruciatingly long.

    Despite being only fifteen minutes away from where Camille lived, it felt like hours. The two walked in complete silence, not even a breath could be heard. The sky was dark as this time of year the sun would usually set around 4:30, so the only thing she could see were the silhouettes of trees and buildings ; even the street lamps seemed unusually dark tonight. There was not a single thing she could use as a conversation starter. Camille watched as Veronica placed her hands into her jacket pockets. Her entire body was frigid, something Camille hasn't seen been directed at her ever.

    How was she going to make it up to her? Would she even have time to before the police most likely locked her up in an asylum? She couldn't bare the thought of loosing her only friend. The only person she's ever known who has actually cared about her.

    Camille sighed as she kept her gaze to the ground, watching the leaves blew and swirled around her feet in an odd pattern. Tonight felt surreal. Well, the past day has felt surreal. Her brain began to replay the events that took place last night.

Specifically the sound.

Oh god the sound.

She swore she could here it now, the crunch of twigs with each loud footstep that seemed to echo off the trees. A shiver was sent up her spine as her mind continued to play the sound over and over and...

"Did you hear that?"

Veronica's question dragged Camille out of her thoughts. Surprised at her friends sudden remark,
she took a moment to listen before shaking her head. Veronica sighed before walking faster towards the police station. Her body was no longer hard, no longer tense in an angry way. However, she began to shake and tightly use her left hand to grip onto her right, causing her knuckles to grow white with every squeeze.

If there's anything Camille hated more than seeing Veronica mad, it was seeing her anxious. Although she wasn't an anxious person herself, the anxiety her friend radiated was enough to make the most sane person in the world go ballistic.

"What's wrong?"

Camille asked, sending a worried look to her friend. Veronica just shook her head and let out a shaky breath.

" Its nothing, I just thought I heard someone following us."

She mumbled. Camille's heart beat began to quicken.

The sounds.

What if the sounds she heard in her head weren't actually figments of her imagination? What if...

The sound of a loud grunt echoed off the walls of the buildings surrounding them. Veronica yelped and grabbed onto Camille's arm, squeezing it tightly as her breath became hitched. Camille pushed her friend behind her as they both stared in the direction the grunt came from. Their eyes dragged towards an alley that was place between the local supermarket and a floral shop as more sounds proceed to come from the dark alleyway.

Camille began to slowly back up, pushing her friend along with her trying to stay as calm as she possibly could. She knew Veronica didn't handle situations like this well. Ever since her brother, even the smallest feeling of fear of anxiety would make her spiral and breakdown. Neither of them wanted that right now.

Camille's fight or flight kicked in as more sounds began to come through, getting louder and louder. She wasn't proud of this but she began to run. She grabbed her friends hand and pulled her aggressively to try and match her speed. The wind began to whoosh around them as the sound of their shoes hitting the pavement began to ring out onto the quiet streets. They tried to run, run fast from whatever was behind them. The police station wasn't too far, just a couple more minutes and they'd be safe.

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