The Light And The Dark

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It was quiet. Way too quiet. 

I had hated the sound of silence for as long as I could remember. Maybe it was because I was a bell, or maybe it's because I've just never liked being alone. I always liked talking with other people. Well, technically, I wasn't alone. But since the person I was stuck with was being extremely stubborn, it was really just me and my thoughts. And my thoughts told me that she had changed since the last time I had seen her, and not in a good way. I coughed a little and prepared to yell out again.

"Hello, is anyone down there!?

The sound of nothing ringing back at me just made me even more upset at the situation I was in. I wanted to scream again, for no real reason other than to get my anger out. This was starting to really annoy me and I was tired. So, so tired. But she wouldn't let me sleep. At this point she was basically controlling me, and even though I technically am friends with her, I would've abandoned her a long time ago if it weren't for the fact that there was no guarantee that I would find anyone else. I wish that I had been stuck with literally anyone else, like Pen or Naily.

Even Taco would've been better..

"You really think that you're going to find in the middle of the night? Come on Bell, I thought you were smarter than this." Foldy scoffed at her after talking.

Bell grumbled at Foldy's random hit at her, half considering trying to knock her off of her. Obviously, she didn't but she did think back to when Foldy hadn't been pointlessly rude. Before her elimination, she was nice. A little quiet and very hot-headed, but other than that nice. But something must've changed after her elimination, or else she wouldn't be acting like this. She's probably just salty about being eliminated.

Still, Bell wished that Foldy would at least try a little harder, especially since the Power of Two was basically destroyed. This infection was their main focus now. Eventually, she sighed and continued to move in a random direction dictated which had been dictated by Foldy. She recognized that she was essentially becoming Foldy's servant, but there was nothing which she could do. Deep down, she still hoped that Foldy would eventually turn back into the way she was before all of this happened. But maybe that Foldy was gone forever.

Bell yawned as she felt Foldy shuffle directly above her. Her eyes closed for a split second as she continued to lose herself in the dense forest which she was flying over. How long had it been now? Fifteen, twenty hours? And Bell had woken up much earlier than she usually did, meaning that it had been nearly a day since she had last slept. She closed her eyes again, longer this time, before feeling a sudden pain on the top of her head.

"Hey!" Foldy kicked her again, much harder this time. "You're not going to sleep until you find a safe location, ok?" Bell grumbled but just slowly nodded her head, too tired to give Foldy anything more. She didn't care enough, and honestly she would rather save her energy for something else, like an encounter with one of the infected objects. 

Foldy nearly kicked Bell again at the half-response, but eventually decided against it because she didn't want to sour their relationship too much. She needed her to survive right now, and even though she knew that Bell wouldn't dump her she still needed her to at least tolerate her for a lot longer. She could be nicer, but as she learned from TPOT, niceness doesn't get things done.

As she thought about her situation more, she realized that she had no idea as to why Bell was already so tired. Sure, she had been flying since the sun had set, but surely that couldn't take much energy, right? And she had been up long before Bell, unable to sleep for reasons she couldn't exactly pin point. So what was the deal with her?

The duo continued to journey into the unknown, neither saying a single thing. Foldy didn't need to and Bell didn't want to. She didn't really want to do anything actually, but nonetheless she pressed onwards. Eventually, the forest below them dissipated, leaving rolling green hills which were barely visible at night.

Just Trying To Survive (A BFDI/BFB/TPOT and II au)Where stories live. Discover now